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The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) forbids employers from interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights to organize, form, join or assist a labor organization for collective-bargaining purposes . . .

Employers violate the law by:

• Threatening employees with loss of jobs or benefits if they join or vote for a union. 

• Questioning employees about their union activities or membership in such circumstances as will tend to restrain or coerce the employees. 

• Promising benefits to employees to discourage their union support. 

• Spying on union gatherings, or pretending to spy. 

• Transferring, laying off, terminating, assigning employees more difficult work tasks, or otherwise punishing employees because they engaged in union activity. 

• Granting wage increases deliberately timed to discourage employees from forming or joining a union.

HTH Corp. doing business as Pacific Beach Hotel repeatedly violated the law

NLRB Law Memo - 07/09/ 2004 - Members Liebman and Walsh adopted the judge’s recommendation to sustain Petitioner’s (ILWU Local 142) Objections 1 and 8, alleging that the Employer engaged in objectionable conduct by coercively interrogating employees and maintaining an overly broad no-solicitation policy. They found it unnecessary to pass on the judge’s recommendation that Objections 2 and 9 also be sustained in light of their finding that Objections 1 and 8 warrant setting aside the election....[HTH Corp. d/b/a Pacific Beach Hotel (37-RC4022; 342 NLRB No. 30) Honolulu, HI June 30, 2004.]