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HONOLULU—Thanks to union political action, working families made big gains in this year’s legislative session. Four significant pieces of new legislation sought by the ILWU were passed by state lawmakers. The Hawaii RX (SB 2520) and RX Expansion Program (HB 2834) will make prescription drugs more affordable for retirees and union members. Health Insurance Regulation (HB 1761) should help control the rapidly increasing cost of medical insurance, which affects wages and benefits on the job. A ban on discrimination based on genetic information (SB 2180) protects our members from unfair treatment by insurance companies and employers.

Another very important piece of legislation sought by the ILWU, which would protect workers when a company is sold, narrowly failed passage by a single vote. The Employment Security Bill (SB 2118) would have required a new owner of a company to keep at least half of the workforce. The bill passed in the House but the vote in the Senate was tied at 12 yes and 12 no. Unfortunately, a bill does not pass with a tied vote. 

Other important worker benefits and programs were protected or maintained. The Employment Training Fund (SB 733) which has provided funds to train thousands of workers was made permanent but will be funded at a reduced contribution rate. An attempt by Republicans to make workers pay up to 40% of the cost of medical coverage under the Prepaid Health law (HB 2750) was defeated. 

The Legislature also passed a number of other laws which the ILWU supported, because of the benefit to working people. A new law which goes into effect two years from now sets a maximum price which can be charged for gasoline. A bottle recycling bill will help protect our environment by reducing solid waste. 

In all, this year’s Legislative session was very productive and beneficial for Hawaii’s working families. See below for more information on these new programs. —continued on pages 2-3.

On the Inside . . . ILWU pensioner conference, pages 4-5