In 1966, Jack Hall joined with other community leaders to transform the Honolulu Community Chest (also known as the “red feather” agency) into the Aloha United Fund, a single fundraising entity to support many charitable agencies. Today, the organization is known as the Aloha United Way and, along with other United Way agencies throughout the State, is providing funding support for the needs of the community.
The ILWU has supported the United Way not only because of the breadth of services supported by fundraising dollars but because of a unique partnership between the United Way and the AFL-CIO. Through this partnership, Community Services Liaisons, also known as Labor Liaisons, are hired to work directly with the AFL-CIO to link the labor community with the United Way. The Liaisons help the annual campaign to raise funds for the United Way by soliciting donations from labor union staff, by sponsoring special events to raise funds, and by encouraging contributions from rank-and-file members on the job. The Liasisons also provide direct service, by offering food to laid-off workers, sponsoring workshops and classes to educate union members and staff about programs, and coordinating volunteers for the National Association of Letter Carriers’ annual food drive