Pensioners from Hawaiʻi, Maui, and Kauaʻi pose for a photo during the opening day Local Hall tour.
After a six year hiatus, the ILWU Local 142 Pensioners Conference has returned bringing over 80 pensioners from across the islands to discuss their role and structure in the future of the ILWU. Theyʻll stay in Honolulu for the duration of the conference, which ends on Thursday, and meet daily to discuss business and enjoy fellowship and various activities.
The conference is being convened by the ILWU Local 142 Memorial Association, which is an autonomous entity that is largely supported, operated, and governed by ILWU retirees. The purpose of this yearʻs conference is to reconvene pensioners to re-strengthen the organization and engagement of our union retirees following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Monday kicked off with breakfast and a tour of the Local hall on Atkinson Street, where the convention is taking place. For many of the pensioners, this is their first time stepping foot in the hall. Following lunch, the conference was formally called to order and Maui pensioner Joyclyn Victorino was voted chair of the conference. The remainder of the afternoon was spent conducting business.
On Wednesday, conference-goers will continue business followed by a banquet hosted by the Local. On Thursday, pensioners will tour ʻIolani Palace and enjoy a day of history and education.
The ILWU loves and values its retirees. Our pensioners embody historical memory and knowledge that all current members can learn from. Pensioners are a huge support for union political action and provide strong support for unit actions as well. Keeping our pensioners engaged and organizes is a fundamental value of the ILWU. Mahalo to all of the pensioners who are convening this week to help keep our union organized and strong!