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ILWU Local 142 30th Statewide Convention Convenes

Delegates, observers, and guests of the ILWU Local 142 30th Statewide Convention
Delegates, observers, and guests of the ILWU Local 142 30th Statewide Convention.

Over 400 ILWU Local 142 members and guests gathered in Honolulu at the Hawai'i Convention Center to participate in the 30th Statewide Convention. For five days, elected union delegates from across all islands and industries made important decisions to help steer the union forward over the next three years. 

President Chris West called the meeting to order on Monday at 11am and kicked off the week reflecting on the prior three years. "Together we have seen better working conditions for all of our members, together we have seen better wages. Together, we have passed legislation that has helped all working people in Hawai’i, because ultimately, it is only together we rise." 

"Together We Rise" was the themes of the convention, a reflection of the efforts to reunify the Local and restore a bottom-up union and return power to the units. 

International President Willie Adams address convention delegates.
International President Willie Adams gives the opening keynote.

International President, Willie Adams gave the opening keynote speech, emphasizing the growing unity among the divisions, the members and the community. "The rank and file, you took your union back. What you said to everyone who was listening, here in HI, in the mainland, and throughout the world. What you said was, leadership is not asserting power over others, it's about inspiring and empowering, it's about the membership, the community and the labor movement." Adams continued, "And now what you’ve said for the last three years is, “we are here, we’re not going anywhere, and we’re open for business. You have been good medicine.” 

Tuesday began committee meetings where delegates reviewed proposed resolutions, changes to the constitution, and program reports. The day ended with a historic march of hundreds of ILWU members to the Hilton Hawaiian Village, where they joined Local 5 hotel workers in a demonstration through the hotel in a powerful display of solidarity and support. ILWU members staged at the Convention Center and marched down Atkinson Drive to Ala Moana Boulevard and down to the Hilton Hawaiian Village where they were greeted by chanting Local 5 members. Everyone marched and chanted through the hotel converging in the hotel lobby where guests were arriving and checking in. A massive rally proceeded with the voices of hundreds of workers thundering through the greater lobby area. The rally closed with messages from Local 5 member Gerrit Vincent, Local 5 Financial Secretary-Treasurer Cade Watanabe, ILWU President Chris West, and ILWU Canada President Rob Ashton. 

ILWU and Local 5 members fill the lobby of the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikīkī in a solidarity rally.
ILWU and Local 4 members fill the lobby of the Hilton Hawaiian Village with chants of "union power!" booming through the hotel.

Wednesday and Thursday were spent in committee and moved back into general session union business. Friday closed with a line of firey keynote speeches and the closing of union business. 

Lahaina in focus

Throughout the week, leaders and rank and file members reflected on the impact of the Lahaina fires and the show of union unity in the response to the fires. A number of resolutions were adopted formally recognizing the work of ILWU members and industries who play significant roles in supporting members following the fires. Community leaders from Lahaina Strong, Nā ʻĀikāne o Maui, and others sent video messages of aloha and mahalo to the ILWU convention, and Mayor Richard Bissen sent a statement laying out the work ahead to keep Lahaina lands and Lahaina hands. 

Owen Kahahane, Unit Chair of the Hyatt Maui, Stephanie Smythe, Unit Chair of the Royal Lahaina and who is currently serving as a temporary Business Agent, and Walker "Kawika" Crichton, Unit Chair of the Ritz Carlton Kapalua, each addressed the delegation sharing reflections on post-fire Lahaina and educating their fellow members on the work that remains ahead. 

Ritz Carlton Kapalua Unit Chair, Walker Crichton, addresses the delegation on the ongoing issues facing Lahaina residents.
Ritz Carlton Kapalua Unit Chair Walker Crichton address the delegation.

Convention delegates heard from many labor leaders and politicians, all emphasizing the important work ahead to return Hawaiʻi to the working class and strengthen the labor movement at home, in the U.S. and internationally. 

The convention closed with floor nominations for the office of Local President, Local Vice President, Local Secretary-Treasurer, and industry grouping representatives to the Local Executive Board. All Local officer candidates will be announced in the upcoming issue of The Voice of the ILWU. 

The 2027 statewide convention is tentatively set to take place in Kauaʻi. Mahalo to all the delegates, guests, observers, and staff who made this yearʻs convention a great success!