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This issue of the Voice of the ILWU is your official notice of the 2018 ILWU Local 142 Election. It contains the positions and candidates who will appear on the ballot and information on mail voting—including the mailing date, deadline for receipt, and who to contact if you need a ballot. This issue also contains statements and photographs submitted by candidates. ALL VOTING WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MAIL.

Members will also get a notice of election in the mail ballot packet you receive—however, this issue of the VOICE of the ILWU is the official notice of election. . The ballot packet will be mailed out on November 12, 2018, to your last known mailing address by election services contractor Global Election Services Inc. (GES). 

Ballot packets will be mailed out from Honolulu and ballots will be returned to and counted in the county in which you live—Hawaii County, Maui County, Kauai County, and the City and County of Honolulu.

Candidate statements 
All candidates in the upcoming ILWU Local 142 election had an equal opportunity to submit a photograph and statement to be printed in this issue of the VOICE. The deadline for submission was 4:00 p.m. on September 28, 2018. The statements were limited to 200 words and those statements longer than 200 words were cut to the last complete sentence. Otherwise, the content of the statements is printed exactly as received, with no editing for spelling, punctuation, or grammar.

All attempts were made to preserve the physical appearance of the original statements—capitalized words, underlining, boldfacing, and italicizing were maintained. However, all statements are printed with the same fonts and font size. Limited space required the removal of double-spacing between paragraphs.

Some candidates did not submit a statement or photo. Their names are printed, but we indicate that no photo or statement was received.

Local Election Committee 
The ILWU Local Election Committee is made up of two representatives from each Division and is responsible for statewide election administration. Current Local Election Committee members are Noelani Rasmussen and Jennifer Yadao (Secretary) from Hawaii Division, Alex Ajolo and Francis Kamakaokalani from Maui Division, Darlene Iwai and Evelyn Javillonar from Kauai Division, Eddie Sekigawa (Chair) and Carissa Schuster from Oahu Division, and Peter Morishige and Brian Nakagawa from the Hawaii Longshore Division.

It is both your right and responsibility to elect the officers who will serve and lead ILWU Local 142. Don’t forget to vote for the candidates of your choice and send in your mail ballot as soon as possible after you receive it!