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This issue of the Voice of the ILWU is your official notice of the 2015 ILWU Local 142 Election. It contains the positions and candidates who will appear on the ballot and the dates, times and locations of voting for your unit. This issue also contains statements and photographs submitted by candidates.

The dates, times and locations of voting for your unit are listed separately by geographical division—Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, and Oahu—and sorted by unit number. Hawaii Longshore Division voting schedules are listed as they have been in the past; they are included in the geographical division where the unit is located. For example, the Unit 2201 - Kahului Stevedores schedule is included in the Maui Division list. Look up your unit number or company name and take note of the dates, times, and locations indicated for your unit.

For most members, THERE WILL BE NO OTHER OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THIS ELECTION. Some units may post this notice on their union bulletin boards, but this is not required for all units. In a few cases, where there is an error or change in this notice, members may receive an updated notice in the mail. However, for all other members, this will be your only notice of this election.

Absentee voting by mail under limited circumstances
Beginning with the 2015 Local Election, a new procedure will be introduced that permits secret ballot absentee voting by mail under limited circumstances. It does not replace regular ballot box voting at the worksite. In order to vote by absentee mail ballot, you must meet at least one of the following conditions:

1) Not able to be at the regular worksite during the election period due to off island vacation or leave of absence;

 2) Not able to be at the regular worksite during the election period due to sick leave; 

3) May not be able to be at the regular worksite due to certain industry or company practices, such as labor loan, work from home, training off island, etc.

Absentee mail ballot request procedure
The request procedure has two parts.

1) First, contact the Local Election Committee for an official request form. All requests for absentee ballots must be made on the official form. To receive an official form, write to: Local Election Committee, 451 Atkinson Drive, Honolulu Hawaii 96814, or e-mail absentee@

2) After you receive the official request form and fill it out completely, submit it together with documentation on the reason for the request (for example, a photo copy of airline reservations).

3) The official form must be received by the Local Election Committee at 451 Atkinson Drive, Honolulu Hawaii 96814, or at no later than 4:00 p.m. on November 10, 2015. This is the last day to request an absentee ballot.

Absentee ballots will only be sent to the member’s home address, which will be taken from the union’s membership database, unless a correction is provided by the member.

Candidate statements 
All candidates in the upcoming ILWU Local 142 elections had the equal opportunity to submit a photograph and statement which would be printed in this issue of the VOICE of the ILWU. The deadline for submission was 4:00 pm, September 30, 2015.

The statements were limited to 200 words and those statements longer than 200 words were cut to the last complete sentence. Otherwise, the content of the statements are printed exactly as received, with no editing for spelling, punctuation, or grammar.

All attempts were made to preserve the physical appearance of the original statements—capitalized words, underlining, boldfacing, and italicizing were maintained. However, all statements are printed with the same fonts and font size. Limited space required the removal of double-spacing between paragraphs.

Some candidates did not submit a statement or photo. Their names are printed and we indicate that they did not submit a photo or statement by the deadline.

Elections Committee 
The ILWU Local Election Committee is made up of one representative from each Division. The current members are Francis Kamakaokalani from Maui Division, Peter Morishige from Kauai Division, Tristie Licoan from Hawaii Division, Allen Rabut from the Hawaii Longshore Division, and Eddie Sekigawa from Oahu Division.