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Candidate for Business Agent
Karl Lindo

I have served the ILWU as a Unit Chair and Vice Chair for Hawaiian Waikiki Beach Hotel from 1989 to 1995. From 1992 to 1995, I also worked as a Local Organizer and Field Representative and helped organize new members into the ILWU.

As a Business Agent for the past nine years, I’ve had the opportunity to service members from the Tourism, Pineapple, and General Trades Groupings. During this period I negotiated contracts for the Cemeteries, Weyerhaeuser, National Car Rental, Simmons, Queen Emma Gardens, Sack-n-Save, Oahu One Credit Union, Pearl Country Club and was on the negotiating committee for Foodland, Pineapple and Hotel negotiations. I also served as the Division Sports Co- Coordinator, Political Action Co-Coordinator from 1995 to 1997 and the Education Coordinator from 1998 to presently.

I strongly believe in sharing the knowledge and experience that I learned from the ILWU and teaching the members, Unit Officers and Stewards how to best help and represent the membership. This is how I learned to be a Union Leader and it is very important to pass on the knowledge to the members.

I respectfully ask for your support in continuing the work of the ILWU. Mahalo.

Candidate for Business Agent
Lorenzo “Larry” Ruiz

HI! My name is Larry Ruiz and I’m running for Oahu Division Business Agent.

 I grew up in a ILWU family beginning with my Dad who retired from McCabe, Hamilton & Renny as a longshoreman. Throughout my working career I’ve held jobs in ILWU houses. First as pineapple field worker then as a Foodland worker for the last 30 years. I believe in the Union and what it stands for job security, fairness and an improved quality of life.

 I became a steward in 1979, vice chair in 1990 and chairperson in 1997. I chaired the Foodland negotiation committee in 2000 where the battle was hard fought. 

As a business agent the last two years I fought to protect the benefits of our members through the administration of their contracts. By participating in several negotiations (Cemeteries, Castle & Cooke Homes, Fleming, Foodland) we have made improvements in our members lives.

 I have had the opportunity to work with our “kapunas” as the Pensioner Clubs Coordinator. Through their history we’ve learned the important lessons to continue to fight for our members. With your vote I humbly ask that you please allow me to continue to work for the ILWU. Thank you!


Candidate for Business Agent
Tyrone Kaihe Tahara

Tyrone Tahara, Business Agent for the Oahu Longshore grouping for the past 12 years. Hired in 1987 as a longshoreman, he served as a Shop Steward and Unit Editor before being appointed Business Agent in 1991, due to a need from the Longshore grouping for a dedicated Business Agent. Thankfully a handful of Unit Officers and Shop Stewards had the foresight to bring
things together. It was challenging at first, but in the late 1990’s the rank and file successfully defended what our old timers had fought for and gained improvements for the entire waterfront.

Tyrone says he is motivated by the dedication, commitment and perseverance of these frontline Unit leaders who take the risks and make personal sacrifices on behalf of their Union and our members. By the militancy of the West Coast Locals
who set the benchmark for Longshore negotiations. And, most of all to our relentless old timers, who hanged the hooks and spilled blood on the picket lines, so we, their children, could have a better life. Words of wisdom – “Stay Hungry!”


Candidate for Business Agent
Brian S. Tanaka

The rank and file members should run our Union. This means our elected union leaders should take their direction from the membership and not act like bosses. As your business agent I will listen to your concerns, will do my best to represent
you, and work hard to keep our Union united. We should all be working together for the betterment of our union and membership. We need more democracy in our Union, not less. If you don’t get more involved by participating in your Union
programs, then you risk the chance to lose the labor benefits we all enjoy today.

I ask you, the rank and file, to give serious consideration to candidates who will work together in the best interest of our membership, and who are honest and dedicated to continuing the rank and file control and democracy without discrimination of any kind.

 I want to take this opportunity to thank you, the rank and file, for your support the past nine years. It has been a great honor to serve as a Full-Time Officer. Again, I ask for your continued support in this up-coming election. This is your Union - a democratic union.

Oahu 2006 International Convention Delegates

Candidate for General Trades
Rendell Banis
No photo or statement submitted


At-Large Candidate
Gerald Sakamura

I have been an I.L.W.U. member for over 30 years and have served at various levels and positions from the Unit, Division, Local and International.

I believe that the Union exists for the it’s members and that those who represent the members should do so with their best interest in mind. As an elected representative, our duties lie for the members. May the Union always be there to serve and protect it’s members.

Candidate for Longshore
Nathan Lum
No photo or statement submitted

Candidate for Tourism
Francoise Gurden
No photo or statement submitted

Oahu DivisionTrustee

Division Trustee
Nathan Lum
No photo or statement submitted

At-Large Candidate
Nathan Dudoit
No photo or statement submitted

At-Large Candidate
Abeleen L. Lau

I’m Abeleen Lau and I’m running as an International delegate at large. I am employed at Diamond Head Memorial Park for 7 years as grounds maintenance. I recently have been appointed as a temporary lead person. I was elected as a chairperson for our unit. I firmlybelieve that because of my participation in this unit that I was appointed regardless of my gender. I’ve participated in the last election for the Hawaii Legislature which I found great satisfaction and felt like I really learned about the ILWU and its programs. To be on the political action committee was a good place to start learning about government
issues. I also attended several local conventions and participated in making local policies. I would like to learn more about this organization and its other locals as an International Convention Delegate. Coming from a small unit on Oahu as an international delegate I’ll have an opportunity to meet with fellow brothers and sisters on the mainland to share ideas and contributions in setting international policies. I believe that Hawaii Local should have a strong representation at the International level. Please give me this chance to represent you. 
