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Oahu Division 
Director Candidate: 

Let me first begin by thanking you for your continued support. It is an honor to serve you as Oahu Division Director. Like me, I know you believe that the rank and file is the bloodline of the ILWU. I became a rank and file member at the Hawaii Newspaper Agency in 1996, and served as Shop Steward, Unit Secretary, Unit Editor, Business Agent, Local Representative and Division Director for the past 6 years.

As your Division Director, I will continue to lead us forward, stronger and more unified. With education, transparency and teamwork, I will continue to build the Oahu Division to protect your rights.

As work environments evolve, we must be respected by employers and successfully negotiate with them, always being mindful of our member’s issues. I have established constructive relationships with employers, which has led to the negotiation of favorable contracts and positive outcomes for displaced members from multiple Companies.

My experiences being involved on various City Commissions further enhances my leadership skills, which I will utilize in moving the ILWU forward.

I humbly ask you again to support me, Mike Yamaguchi, for Oahu Division Director. Together, we will continue to grow ILWU’s proud legacy. 



Division Trustee Candidate 
No candidate


Oahu Division 
Business Agent Candidate: 

The motto of the Ilwu is “an injury to one, is an injury to all”. To understand the meaning, is to look into oneself. Could I have done more? Did I do enough? What am I willing to do?

I believe wholeheartedly that to be effective, a certain level of sacrifice and service along with a caring attitude are prerequisites.

By no means am I perfect, there are times when I struggle, sometimes I may not understand a members outlook on a certain situation.

However, I have proven to be a hard worker, a good listener, fair, and innate ability to resolve conflict.

I humbly ask your support. 
Mahalo Nui Loa, 
Wilfred A Chang Jr.

Oahu Division 
Business Agent Candidate: 

I’M A UNION WORKER. That means I’m part of an organization that fights not only for my benefit, but for everyone’s.

Union presence in an area puts pressure on employers to give better pay and benefits to their workers, in order to stay competitive. Unions are one of the only forces capable of effectively resisting the continual downward push on employee compensation.

Consumer spending is what creates jobs and prosperity. Increased employee compensation leads to more consumer spending; it pumps more fuel into the engine that drives the whole economy.

That is what myself and unions are fighting for.

That is what I am supporting by working in a union.

In other words… 
I’m Paris Fernandez and I humbly ask for your re-election vote for Oahu Division Business Agent.

2021 Convention Delegate 
Candidate (General Trades): 

Aloha! My name is Corin Kekua. I’ve been a member of the union for 17 years, I’ve also been a steward and an officer for my unit for the past 2 years.

Within the past 2 years I’ve represented my unit in the Summer Institute for Union Women, the labor institute, and the 28th local convention, that took place this past September. During those times I have learned so much about the union and how it benefits all of us and our families, and have grown to be a strong supporter of the union.

I am running to represent general trades, as a delegate in the upcoming international convention because I feel I have more to offer the union and more importantly, a lot more to learn about the union. 

Thank you for your support!

Oahu Division Business Agent Candidate: 

My name is Dillon Hullinger and I am running for re-election as a Business Agent for the Oahu Division. I have been an ILWU member for 29 year’s; during that time I served the Foodland unit as a steward, a unit vice chair, and unit Chair. For the past 8 years I have served as a business agent representing numerous different units and members.

During these 8 years as a business agent I have learned numerous new strategies in regards to negotiations, contract enforcement, grievance handling, and membership servicing. I have represented a vast array of units and this has helped me to learn how to solve problems, issues, and concerns for the members that greatly differ from one unit to another.

I believe it is important to educate and increase involvement of our young members and future leaders of the union. One of the best ways to do that is to share your experiences and knowledge with them. This allows them to take control and solve things at their unit and work site.

I humbly ask for your support to allow me to continue to service your units and represent the membership of Oahu Division as a Business Agent.