Business Agent Candidate
Brian S. Tanaka
The rank and file members should run our Union. This means our elected union leaders should take their direction from the membership and not act like bosses. As your business agent I will listen to your concerns, will do my best to represent you, and work hard to keep our Union united. We should all be working together for the betterment of our union and membership. If you don’t get more involved by participating in your Union programs, then you risk the chance to lose the labor benefits we all enjoy today.
I believe that my nearly 32 years experience in the ILWU Local 142, at Steward, Unit Officer, Trustee, Division Executive Board, International Executive Board, Business Agent and Sports Coordinator levels makes me uniquely qualified to take an active part in our Union. I know how ILWU operate and can use my experience to ensure that your needs will be met.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you, the rank and file, for your support the past fifteen years. It has been a great honor to serve as a FullTime Officer. Again, I ask for your continued support in this up-coming election. Mahalo.

Business Agent Candidate
Michael Sean Yamaguchi
My name is Michael Yamaguchi and I am running for the position of Oahu Division Business Agent. During these very challenging economic times, it is crucial that you elect Business Agents who are experienced and capable of representing you.
On January 1, 2010 the Oahu division will go from seven Business Agents down to five. I ask you, the rank and file, who are the blood of this Union to vote for the individuals who you think is most qualified to serve you.
I have been a member of ILWU Unit 4406 The Honolulu Advertiser since 1996. My experience as a Shop Steward, Unit Secretary, Unit Editor, Business Agent and Local Representative will assure you the representation that you need and deserve.
I was elected by you, the rank and file, to serve as Business Agent in 2003; I was then elected to serve on the Local Executive Board in 2006.
In 2007 I was appointed to be a Local Representative and assigned to assist the Oahu Division. I humbly ask for your support in electing me to serve you as a Business Agent on Oahu. I promise to work hard and represent you to the best of my ability.

Business Agent Candidate
Gordon Young
I would like to thank all the members who supported me in the past and continue to support me. Because of members like you, who are devoted to working class principle and justice, the ILWU is well respected throughout the world.
The ILWU has been good to my family. My mother worked as a trimmer/packer at the Dole Cannery for over 20 years. The wages and benefits won by the Union enabled her to comfortably raise our family and give us a good education. I myself obtained a Master’s Degree.
I served as Business Agent in 1991-94, because I wanted to give back to others what the ILWU has provided to my family and me. But due to personal reasons I had to leave office. However, I continued to serve as an elected Unit Officer at the Honolulu Advertiser.
With the retirement of our Local President, our Union will face new challenges. Employers are constantly trying to erode hard fought benefits won in previous contracts. I humbly ask for your support again in electing me to serve you as a Business Agent.
My commitment to you is, I will continue to work diligently to protect your rights.