Division Director Candidate
Dave K. Mori
Division Director Dave Mori is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable leaders in our Union today with over 30 years of dedicated experience. Although Dave is running unopposed in his third-term as Division Director, he gratefully thanks every member for his/her support over the past six years.
Dave started his humble beginnings in the ILWU in 1976 as a field worker at Oahu Sugar and quickly moved up to become a journey machinist. He was first elected Unit Secretary/Treasurer in 1978, and served as Unit Chair and Division Trustee before being elected as a Business Agent in 1991. He has served as Division Director since 2004.
Under Dave’s leadership over forty different Units have successfully negotiated the best possible contracts, many of them newly organized Units. As Division Director he continues to negotiate good contracts and helps to organize the unorganized by mentoring and educating others.
“I will take the trust that you bestowed on me to ensure that your rights and benefits are aggressively defended, and closely monitor the practices of our Union to ensure that your hard earned dues are responsibly administered in these difficult economic times without compromising programs and services that you have depended on.”

Executive Board Candidate
Dillon M. Hullinger
My name is Dillon Hullinger and I have been an ILWU member for the past 20 years working for Foodland Supermarket. I have taken an active role in the union for the past 15 years as a steward, a Vice Chair and for the past 8 years serving as the Foodland Unit Chair. I participated as a committee member in the last 4 Foodland negotiations from 1997 and in the 2003 and 2007 I served as the Unit Negotiations Committee Chair. I also had the opportunity to attend the International Conventions in 2000, 2003, 2006, & 2009 and the Local Conventions in 2000, 2003, & 2009. I have been active at the Division level participating in the DEB Meetings, PAC activities and organizing activities. I have learned a lot by participating and being involved in these union activities
I would like to participate at the Local level. I hope my years of experience can help the local in its direction for the next 3 years by representing the Oahu Division on the Local Executive Board.

Business Agent Candidate
Shane A. Ambrose
Aloha, my name is Shane Ambrose and I am running for another term as Business Agent representing the workers in Oahu Division. It has been a very challenging term due to the economy. Wage reductions and loss of benefits by the members have made it difficult but I believe that with struggle there is unity and hope. I am optimistic that with hard work we can pull through these tough times together.
I became a member in 1990 when I started working at Foodland Supermarket. I eventually became a Grocery Clerk and served as a Shop Steward and later served as a Unit Officer. I also served on the Local Executive Board from 2000 to 2003. This gave me an opportunity to really see how the Union works for us. Prior to being elected I served as a temporary Business Agent which provided me an opportunity to learn the basics of the job.
I really appreciate the time and effort put in by the members, leadership, retirees and staff of this great Union which continue to inspire me. I humbly ask for another opportunity to serve the membership and to expand my knowledge and experience to better service you.

Business Agent Candidate
Brandon Bajo-Daniel
Aloha, my name is Brandon BajoDaniel and I have served as a business agent for almost 4 years. I represent Air Liquide, Del Monte, Dole, HARC, Links at Kuilima, Mililani Town Association and the Simmons Mattress Company. I am also a co-coordinator for the Union Sports.
In 1979 I joined the rank and file and became actively involved in 1984 as the union steward for Del Monte, and then as their Unit Chair up until my appointment as Business Agent. My other experiences have been as a nominated delegate for the Local and International Conventions, a member of the state PAC committee, Sec. and Chairman for the Pineapple Statewide Negotiating Committee and organizer for Dole Tropical.
My focus these past 4 years has been about “integrity of the workplace”; by representing the integrity of the rank and file and the value of their work, and by being the reminder to management about their practices. It is an honor to maintain your integrity by holding management accountable for their actions.
Although I have not yet served your unit I ask that you support me with your vote so that I may continue to be the voice for your brothers and sisters.

Business Agent Candidate
Karl Lindo
Aloha to ILWU members. I became a member in 1989 as a hotel worker from Hawaiian Waikiki Beach Hotel and served as the Unit Chair and a Local Organizer before I was appointed a Business Agent in 1995. For the past 15 years I have had the opportunity to service our members and negotiate contracts for many companies in our Union.
I have learned a lot from my experience as a Business Agent and from working with the Rank and File Leadership and members. For me a very important part of serving the Union is to give back the knowledge that we have gained to the Union and the membership. By sharing and teaching what we have learned, we can continue to build the Union for the future.
I want to thank the Unit Leaders for their hard work in representing their members and the membership for their support these past 3 years. In these tough times, all of you are the difference in what we can accomplish as a Business Agent. Mahalo for your support.

Business Agent Candidate
Lorenzo “Larry” Ruiz
My name is Lorenzo “Larry” Ruiz I am once again running for the office of Business Agent representing the members on Oahu. I want to continue humbly serving you as a representative of this great organization. .
My family roots in the ILWU go back with my father who was a longshoreman. I also had others family members who worked in the sugar and pineapple groupings. Currently, my wife and son are also members of the ILWU with Foodland Super Market.
I learned the Union values of hard work and dedication early in life and continued the service to the Union as a member of Foodland Super Market starting in 1971. I started serving as a Unit officer in 1991 and I participated in every single negotiation since then. In 2001 I was appointed to serve as Business Agent where I have tried to pass on the values I’ve learned to those I serviced.
I am really thankful to have another opportunity to serve you to the best of my abilities and pass on the values that have served this great Union since the beginning. Thank you.