KONA — The 38th Annual State Basketball Tournament was held on December 8, 2018 at Kekuaokalani Gym on the Big Island.
Hawaii Division, as state champions for the past two years, defended their title on their home turf and served as the host for the event.
Representative teams from all Divisions - Hawaii, Kauai, Maui and Oahu - showed up with excitement and good-natured, competitive spirits.
The first semi-final game was between Oahu (Unit 4201 Hawaii Stevedores, Inc.) and the Big Island. The teams seemed evenly matched but Oahu took an early lead and ended up winning 55-30.
The second semi-final game was between Kauai and Maui. Kauai led for most of the game, but Maui gained momentum in the second half and won 56-51.
Consolation Game
The consolation game between Kauai and the Big Island was a close one. Kauai put up a solid effort against the bigger team and the score ended up Big Island 69 and Kauai 56.
Championship Game
The championship game between Oahu and Maui favored Oahu just based on the numbers in each team. Maui’s roster only ran so deep and they ended up stopping the game with minutes left to spare because of the discrepancy in scores. Oahu 66, Maui 33.
Individual Awards
Most Valuable Player: Micah Dunhour (Oahu - HSI) 3-Point Shooting: Louigie Lagua (Big Island Unit 1503 Mauna Kea Beach Hotel)
Mahalo to All
Played out, exhausted and happy, the players headed to the Kona ILWU Hall for the awards banquet.
The tournament and awards luncheon was organized by the Hawaii Division: Division Director Elmer Gorospe, Business Agents Tristie Licoan, Michael Dela Cruz, Roselyn Molina and George Martin.
State Sports Coordinator Brian Tanaka also assisted along with Business Agents Paris Fernandez from Oahu, Chad Pacheco from Kauai and Joe Aquino from Maui. Mahalo to everyone for making this tournament a success.

Kauai’s Arjay Baniaga and Big Island’s Joey Giltner exchange respects. The ILWU is the only union in Hawaii with a Statewide Sports Program. Call your Division to participate!

Sportsmanship Award Team Kauai: Back L-R: Jaden Kudrna Unit 3515 Princeville Resort, Keane Agoot Unit 3515, Severino Butay, Jr. Unit 3511 Grand Hyatt Kauai, Cody Dolor Unit 3515, Joel Green (husband of Pamela Green Kauai Division Director), Clary Janer Unit 3408 Pacific Service & Development. Front L-R: Ian Salumag Unit 3511, Arjay Baniaga Unit 3515.

State Champions Team Oahu (Hawaii Stevedores, Inc): Front L-R: Eugene Paaluhi, Jon Beauchamp, Chris West, Arnold Orpilla, Chad Akana, Colin Mansanas. Back L-R: Micah Dunhour, Julian Sensley, Case Purdy, Ashton Saifaloi, AJ Forsythe, Kamalu Umu, Sean Dacuycuy, Tala Esera.

2nd Place Team Maui: Front L-R: Brad Scott Unit 2201 Kahului Stevedores, John Lapez Unit 2520 Grand Wailea Resort, Jeff Borje, Mark Albino Unit 2501. Back L-R: Sam Kaaihue Unit 2201, Mike DePonte Unit 2201, Erwin DePonte, Jr., Jackie Kaaihue Unit 2201, Jay Olayvar Unit 2520 Grand Wailea Resort.

3rd Place Team Big Island: Front L-R: Tyler Myer Unit ML Golf (parent), Alston Viernes Unit 1503 Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, David Auld Unit 1503, Iokepa Jordan Unit 1503. Back L-R: Drake Liu Unit 1503, Joey Giltner Unit 1515 Fairmont Orchid, Jacob Roxburgh Unit 1518 The Westin Hapuna Beach Resort, Mikala Jordan Unit 1515, Louigie Lagua Unit 1503, Justin Agbayani Unit 1503 (parent), Business Agent Tristie Licoan.
ILWU 2019 Sports Program
Next Statewide Event: BASKETBALL
May 18, 2019 Hosted by Kauai Division
Next Meeting Date: May 7, 2019
Call 949-4161 for more info!