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ILWU Oahu members and retirees joined other unions and supporters of a mass transit system for Honolulu at a rally at City Hall on July 7, 2005. Much of the rally was directed at Governor Lingle who had threatened to veto a bill passed by the legislature that would fund the mass transit system. Lingle later allowed the bill to become law without her signature, after a last minute agreement was reached among House and Senate leaders Calvin Say and Robert Bunda, City and County of Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, and the Governor.

CDL Hazardous Materials certification

Some of our neighbor island members who work as commercial drivers were asking about the $94 application fee and the fingerprinting that is required for the HazMat Endorsement (HME). They were being told they had to go to Honolulu as the State Department of Transportation had no way of doing fingerprinting on the Neighbor Islands.

The union looked into the situation and suggests the following:

1) Fingerprinting can be done on the neighbor island. Drivers must call 877-429-7746 to schedule an appointment.

2) You should request your pineapple plant. Protease enzymes work by breaking the chemical bonds that hold protein molecules together. This is the same chemical process that occurs when our body digests foods. Because of its ability to break down proteins and meat products, bromelain is widely used commer- —continued on page 2 employer to pay the $94 HME application fee. If there is a problem, see your ILWU business agent.

3) If you have questions about the background security check, see your business agent.

As of January 31, 2005, the US Patriot Act requires commercial truck drivers who transport hazardous materials to pass a background security check. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will look for criminal convictions in the last seven years, any immigration violation, and other factors that suggest you may pose a security threat (bad credit, large debts, sexual/mental/emotional behavior, etc.) If you fail any of these checks, you will not get a hazmat endorsement.

If a hazmat endorsement is denied, a driver can appeal on grounds of mistaken identity or inaccurate court records. Drivers who do not transport hazardous materials do not need an endorsement, and drivers who surrender an endorsement will not be subject to a background check. A denial of a hazmat endorsement will not affect a driver’s CDL license.

Hazardous items include gasoline, explosive cartridges, radioactive and infectious substances, propane, chlorine, acids, ammonia and other poisonous gases. Drivers must renew a hazmat endorsement every five years, although a state may require more frequent renewals. Under TSA rules, drivers are responsible for reporting disqualifying events.

The Bush Administration rushed the US Patriot Act through Congress in a matter of weeks following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Many feel that the Patriot Act does little to enhance security, and instead threatens our individual freedom and concentrates power in the hands of the president. ◆

Cancer cure from pineapple?

Australian scientists have discovered two molecules from the pineapple plant that may lead to an entirely new kind of cancer treating drug. Dr. Tracey Mynott and her research team at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) in Australia discovered two protease enzymes, CCS and CCZ, that could block the growth of cancer cells while activating the bodyís immune system.

The researchers were exploring how and why bromelain had such a powerful effect on animal and human cells.

Bromelain is the general name for the family of sulfhydryl proteolytic (or protease) enzymes found in the pineapple plant. Protease enzymes work by breaking the chemical bonds that hold protein molecules together. This is the same chemical process that occurs when our body digests foods. Because of its ability to break down proteins and meat products, bromelain is widely used commer- 

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