HONOLULU - Gates at the Waikiki Shell did not open until 3:30 p.m. for the Labor Unity Picnic on September 4, 2022, but hundreds of people from over 20 different labor unions were already lined up with their beach chairs outside the venue hours before. This popular event was put on hold for the past few years because of COVID, but made a strong comeback this past September with over 7,000 union members and families in attendance

Oahu Division and Longshore Division joined forces to ensure the event was one to remember for our members and the labor community at large by manning three tents and two games. Our fishing game [above photo with Office Manager Desmond Kochi and Michelle Sasaki from Pacific Administrators volunteering to run it) and a ring toss with Pepsi liter bottles (photo below with Business Agent Paris Fernandez running the game) were both major hits with keiki and the young at heart continuing to play well into the night!

Our ILWU 'ohana turned up to enjoy the day with their families and take in the music of Allan Poki, Moke Boy, Amity, BET, Sean Na'auao and Kapena. Event-goers were encouraged to bring donations of canned goods to benefit the Hawaii AFL- CIO's Labor Community Services Program Food Pantry. Over so large boxes of food were collected to give to the community in need

The event was sponsored by the Hawaii State AFL.CIO and Hawaii labor unions-including the ILWU-and has been held nearly every year since 2008. lt is meant to bring unionized workers together to meet, learn about political and labor issues, and support each otherwhile enjoying a day with friends and family. Left photo: Benton Rod- den, endorsed (candidate for Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke, James Wataru, and Cassie Cockett. Middle photo: Oahu Division Director Michael Yamaguchi, endorsed candidate for Honolulu City Council 8 Val Okimoto, Local President Chris West. Right photo: Local Secretary-Treasurer Michael Victorino, Jr., endorsed candidate for UJ House District 2 Jill Tokuda, Dave Chew, Collin Mansanas