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the five negotiating committees, no one had ever been involved in negotiations, and only one worker had even belonged to a union before.

However, the members were not deterred.

“Members of all the committees worked hard, learned fast, and took their responsibility seriously,” said Furtado

“It wouldn’t be possible to run five separate negotiations for first contracts without strong committees. We also had great support from the Hawaii Longshore Division.”

Negotiating momentum 
In the early morning hours of Friday April 21, the first of these committees reached a tentative agreement - the new unit of Matson clericals.

Later that same morning, the pace of negotiations began to step up with HSI. The outlines of a tentative agreement were hammered out that weekend and a final tentative agreement was reached on May 2.

The Matson clerical unit was able to make substantial gains in wages and benefits, including family medical with no monthly premium and a greatly improved retirement plan.

As non-union workers, many members in this unit were used to getting a bonus instead of a raise.

As ILWU members, everyone received increases of 3% in each of the next three years. Some workers also saw pay upgrades in addition to their 3% raise.

Matson clericals ratify first contract
On April 30, Matson clerical workers unanimously ratified their contract.

Unit Secretary Joy Borbo stated, “Before we joined the ILWU we had no representation and we were ‘at-will’ employees. Now we are bargaining unit employees, we have rights, we have the collective power to negotiate a contract, and a voice to help enforce our contract. Fortunately for us, that voice is the ILWU...this is the best thing that has ever happened in my career at Matson.”

HSI contract gains 
Local 100 HSI supervisors held their ratification meeting on May 5, and their first contract was also unanimously approved. HSI supervisors won a guaranteed 40-hour work week and 3.5% wage increases in each of the next three years -- with back pay to September 20, 2016. In addition, some classifications received wage upgrades and premiums.

HSI supervisors also won family medical benefits with no monthly premiums and -- for the first time -- twelve paid holidays (supervisors were previously salaried workers). As non-union salaried workers, HSI supervisors were not paid overtime and had no differential for working the night shift -- injustices they corrected in their first union contract. 

Longshore and union future looks bright 
“The hard-fought victories won by the Matson clerical workers and HSI supervisors will greatly benefit these workers and sets the stage for good agreements to be won at the three supervisor units still in negotiations,” said Furtado.

“Organizing and getting good contracts for our members has always been important to me, and now I’m getting more focused on making sure that new leaders coming up in our Union understand and continue the progressive, militant, and democratic traditions of the ILWU. I’m seeing all of these things coming out of our recent victories in Hawaii.”

Congratulations to HSI for all their hard work in negotiating their first contract!

The Matson clerical negotiating committee and Hawaii Longshore Division hard at work!