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Members left the Labor Institute week on a high, but the real test of the success of these events lies in the aftermath. Will the enthusiasm from the classes and camaraderie be hard to sustain in the day-to-day at the workplace?

Our members did not disappoint. They are applying the ideas they learned at the institute and show here that they have ingenuity to spare and passion to share.

Our union braddahs from Budweiser 
Todd Sismar and Robert “Bobby” Hew-Len are from a freshly unionized unit -- Unit 4404 Anheuser-Busch Sales of Hawaii.

As new members to the union life, they did not know what to expect.

But “After we got through the first day (of Institute classes),” said Sismar, “I told Bobby, ‘Brah, good thing we came to this!’ We learned so much. Like we never knew things like how to run a meeting the right way, or even what a vice chair does. We learned so much now we feel like we can run this company as one with the workers in charge.”

Know thyself 
Both of them were in the class “How to Educate Your Members and Bosses About Anything.”

The class incorporated breathing exercises and yoga as a way to quiet the mind and tune into the being as a whole to help facilitate better communication.

Empowerment at the deepest level happens on the level of self.

“What really resonated with me was what an impact I can be with my members,” said Hew-Len. “I got a better idea of how the union tries to help, so I know where I’m coming from when I talk to guys about the union. Whatever their view of the union, at least they can respect that I’m coming from a place of wanting to help.”

Left: Robert “Bobby” Hew-Len, Unit Treasurer of Unit 4404. Right: Todd Sismar, Unit 4404 Steward.

Being the change 
Sismar took it so far as to teach some exercises to the drivers. “A lot of the yoga we learned I’ve implemented in our stretches,” said Sismar. “The drivers will tell me they felt so much better on the road that day from doing it. That makes me feel good. I always let them know if they have any questions just ask me. I keep a copy of our CBA (collective bargaining agreement/union contract) in my car and we can go over it together right there.”

The teacher who taught the yoga in their class, Tracy Chang said, “I’ve been in hibernation mode for the last six years,” said Chang. “I wasn’t teaching. But when ILWU called me to teach, that’s what brought me out of hibernation! The people in Hawaii are so much more open-minded and receptive to the ideas I have to share.”

When I contacted Chang to let her know some of her students were actually applying her yoga lessons in the workplace, she was heartened to hear that the members not only were open to her ideas, but carried them out.

Building a legacy 
The union is only as strong as its members in the workplace. When individuals commit to a larger whole beyond themselves, the union thrives.

“We’re all brand new,” said Sismar. “Not like we’ve been in this for 50 years; we’re building from ground zero so let’s build it the right way with the knowledge and foundation we got from the Institute. If we do it the right way now, we don’t have to start from scratch later on. I want to leave this place with a great future, and with the ILWU the sky’s the limit.”

WAILEA — Holding it down on Maui, we have Sava Ilin at Unit 2526 Andaz Wailea Resort. Ilin is a steward in the engineering department.

“Back at the workplace from the Institute, I feel like all I can do and the most I can do is create a positive environment at the job. At the Institute, we saw the big picture as the politics in the US goes against unions. And it’s important we saw the big picture, so we can see that even our small victories in the workplace are chipping away at that big picture little by little. A thousand step journey starts with a single one and every step makes that journey complete!”

Sava Ilin

STATEWIDE — After the Institute, some of the women in the photo at right were inspired to start a makeover challenge -- a bulletin board makeover challenge! Find the hashtag on Facebook and Instagram to connect with more union brothers and sisters across industries!

L-R: Michelle Eason Unit 2201 Kahului Stevedores, Lawrene “Noelani” Rasmussen Unit 1515 The Fairmont Orchid, Hawaii, Melanie Watts Unit 4202 Honolulu Terminals, Seini Dennis Unit 2505 The Westin Maui, Ariel Cantiberos Unit 1421 Sack N Save Kona, Jennifer Kaaihue Unit 2201, Cherise Couch Unit 4405 Sack N Save, Corin Kekua Unit 4406 Honolulu Star Advertiser
