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Hawaii Del Monte workers hoped to pass an official resolution and collect a few hundred signatures for their petition at the ILWU International Convention which was held from May 15-19, 2006, in Vancouver, Canada.

Fresh Del Monte Produce plans to permanently layoff 700 workers and shut down its Hawaii pineapple operations by the end of 2008. The company has refused to pay one penny more than the minimum required by law and the union contract. In addition, the company has refused to adjust work schedules or allow workers time off to attend classes that will train them for new jobs. The company has also threatened to deny severance benefits to workers who find a new job and leave before the company releases them.

The resolution to support the Del Monte workers came before the Convention delegates on May 17. Del Monte members Boyd Isnec, Darlene Palmerton, Steve Supnet, and Brandon Bajo-Daniel explained how the company got rich by transferring Hawaii pineapple technology to Costa Rica and now refuses to do anything more to help the workers who face the loss of their jobs and housing. They asked ILWU members on the Mainland and Canada to sign the petition and spread the word to family, friends, and coworkers that Fresh Del Monte pineapple will no longer be grown in Hawaii.

—continued on pages 4 & 5