If you are an ILWU member working at the Hilton Waikoloa Village, the Hyatt Regency Maui, or the Hyatt Regency Kauai and receiving your medical benefits from the ILWU Health and Welfare Trust Fund, then this information is for you.
You can get your prescriptions filled at the following participating pharmacies and pay only $7.00 for a 30-day supply of generic drugs, insulin, or diabetic supplies. Brand name drugs will cost you $14.00 for the same 30- day supply. A 15-day supply is $6.00 for generic and $12.00 for brand name.
If you go to any other pharmacy NOT listed below, then you must pay the full cost of the prescription and must file a claim to get reimbursed. You must send your receipt and claim form to HMA within 90 days from the date you purchased the medication. Claim forms are available at your ILWU Division office or contact HMA at 1-866-377-3977. Send the claim form and receipt to HMA, PO Box 135005, Honolulu, Hawaii 96801-5005.
Another way to get your prescription filled is by mail order. This works best for medication you must take for a long time, such as blood pressure or cholesterol medication. Call the HMA office or ILWU Division Office and ask them to send you a Walgreens Mail Order form. A 60-day supply by mail order will cost you $8.00 for generic and $24.00 for brand name. ◆

How to save money on prescription drugs
✔ Get your medication from Participating Pharmacies or by mail order.
✔ Use Generic Drugs. They are the same as brand name drugs.
✔ Shop around for the best price if you must use brand name drugs. For some medication, such as oral contraceptives, you are responsible for paying the difference in cost for brand name drugs. Prices can vary widely from pharmacy to pharmacy so check the price before you buy.
✔ Make sure the medication is covered under the plan. The plan covers medically necessary prescription medication and certain non-prescription medication if your doctor verifies they are necessary for your treatment. Ask your doctor if the medication is covered by the plan. If not, ask your doctor to get approval from the HMA Health Services Office at 1-866-377-3977.
✔ Ask your doctor for are less expensive alternatives. In some cases, there may be other kinds of less expensive medication that your doctor can prescribe.
✔ Ask your doctor about Pill Splitting. Where exact dosage is not critical, some pills can be safely cut in half. This can save you as much as 50 percent as many drugs sell for the same price even though they have a higher dose.

The US Department of Veterans Affairs has been doing this safely with the cholesterol-lowering drug simvastatin (brand name Zocor) and is expanding the practice to other drugs. The VA supplies a bill splitting device and counsels the patient. The patient also has to be willing and physically capable of splitting the pills.
Do not split pills unless your doctor approves the practice. Some medication requires a precise dose at regular intervals. ◆