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military families; take appropriate education and solidarity actions in line with this resolution. R-30 Commends South African Dockers for their refusal to handle Israeli cargo in protest of the Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Gaza - calls for the immediate end to the continuing Israeli siege of Gaza which is blocking food, medical and construction supplies to rebuild.

R-33 Free the Cuban 5 - calls on President Obama to review the imprisonment and free five Cubans who infiltrated a Florida paramilitary group to stop the group’s terrorist activities against the people of Cuba.

R-38 Change U.S.-Cuba Policy and Restore Diplomatic Relations - calls for an end to the U.S. embargo and travel ban to Cuba and to establish normal relations with the Cuban government and people.

Mike Bunyard from the Westin Maui hotel thanked Local 142 President Fred Galdones and Vice President Donna Domingo for their help in negotiations with hotel management.

Political Action
P-4 Increased Union Political Action to Reverse Damage of the Bush Presidency - calls on ILWU members to continue support of the International Political Action Fund by individual contributions or payroll deduction; and calls on all levels of the union to educate and involve the rank and file in Union Political Action at the community, state, and national levels.

R-2 Abolishing Detrimental Bush Administration NLRB Rulings - calls on the ILWU and its locals to compile a list of NLRB rulings and decisions that are detrimental and contrary to unions and to present a formal request to vacate these rulings to Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis. 

R-5 Legislation Creating Vacation Protections and U.S. Minimum Paid Time Off - calls on the ILWU to support legislation to pass comprehensive paid vacation protections and paid leave for all workers and to work with other groups, coalitions, and the labor movement to build support for this legislation. 

R-14 Support of the Employee Free Choice Act - calls on the ILWU to do everything in its power to make the Employee Free Choice Act the law of the land.

Health Care
 R-7 Support of Single Payer Health Care - reaffirms the ILWU support of House Resolution 676; calls on the ILWU, AFL-CIO and Change to Win to join with and support other organizations in educating and mobilizing board public and political support for a single payer health care system; calls on the ILWU, AFL-CIO and Change to Win to help organize and support a “Healthcare is a Human Right” solidarity march and rally in Washington, DC. 

R-12 Endorsing Single-Payer Universal Health Care - supports Congressman Conyers’ House Resolution 676, “Expanded and Improved Medicare for All,” and the California State Senate Bill 840 which would provide a single-payer health care system for California; calls on the ILWU to work with other unions and community groups to build a groundswell of popular support and action for single payer universal health care. 

R-25 Universal Health Care, Pensions, Sick Leave, Family Leave - in finding long-term solutions to this economic crisis, we need to rationally consider the social programs adopted by other countries and reject the propaganda of the right wing that seeks only to protect their property and wealth; and supports the establishment of a universal health care system in the United States which can be based on many successful models such as Canada’s single payer system, Great Britain’s government run health care system, or France and Germany’s government regulation of private health insurance companies. 

R-27 Health Care For All - supports comprehensive health care reform, including a single payer system, that will ensure access to quality health care for everyone in the U.S. without compromising the employer-based system and encourages each ILWU member to promote wellness for themselves and their families and participate in chronic disease management..

Lance Kamada urged ILWU locals to continue their boycott of the Pacific Beach Hotel and HTH Corporation.

“You get to see democracy at its best. We’re really coming together to see what other parts of our union are doing and how they’re accomplishing it and how it reaches us. It’s so nice to see people really rally together; I’m from a tiny island of maybe 50,000 people, and to come here to a convention where we have people from all over the United States—it’s just a tremendous feeling to be part of it. It’s made me so proud to be a union member for the ILWU.” 

—Alanna Agustin

Support ILWU Locals 
R-6 Support Local 30 in upcoming 2009 contract negotiations with RTM Borax.

R-8 New Charter Contract Negotiations - calls on the ILWU titled officers or a representative assist with contract negotiations on a first contract for newly chartered ILWU locals. 

R-18 Support APM Terminals Pacific Workers - that the ILWU strongly supports the APM Terminal Pacific workers in their fight to keep their jobs and union jurisdiction; and calls on the International to provide full support to negotiations in process at APM Terminals Pacific in Oakland, California. 

R-20 Supports Local 20 - calls on the International Union to assist Local 20, which has been reduced to 53 members, in their fight to protect their rights and collective bargaining agreement from continued violations by their employer, Rio Tinto. 

R-26 Support Pacific Beach Hotel Workers - thanks Zenkowan, RENGO, Service Rengo, ITF, Labor Now, the AFL-CIO, Canadian unions, and the many other organizations for their solidarity and support in this struggle for justice at the Pacific Beach Hotel. 

R-36 Support of Rite Aid Negotiations - supports ILWU workers in their negotiations with the Rite Aid Corporation.

P-5 Organizing the Unorganized and Mobilizing Our Membership - strongly supports passage of the Employee Free Choice Act and encourages ILWU members to lend their support individually and through their locals; strongly supports the principle of organizing the unorganized to strengthen the power and influence of the ILWU in its commitment to advance the working class; and strongly supports the principle of organizing our rank-andfile and urges each ILWU member to get involved in the union, be educated and informed about union business and national and world events, and embraces the ILWU motto, “An Injury to One is an Injury to All,” by supporting other workers in their struggles for justice. 

P-6 Organizing of Alcatraz Cruises - supports the efforts of the ILWU organizing department in securing representation of the Alcatraz Cruises workers by the IBU/ ILWU. 

P-8 Importance of Organizing - calls on the ILWU International to maintain organizing as a top priority and core function of the International Union.

Human Rights 
R-4 Opposition to National Identification Cards and Other Assaults on Worker Privacy - calls o the ILWU to actively oppose and future implementation of a National Identification Card or Worker I.D. such as the TWIC and similar programs as discriminatory and an attack on workers’ rights. 

R-13 Support of Immigrant Rights and May Day Marches in 2000 - encourages ILWU locals to participate in May Day marches and other protect activities in support of immigration reforms; calls on Congress to reform immigration laws in regards to legalization and equal rights for immigrant workers, stop ICE raids on immigrant workers, abolish guest worker programs, moratorium on deportations, and streamline the visa application process. 

R-32 Oppose Racist Oppression and the Death Penalty - reaffirms the ILWU’s opposition to the death penalty and supports Troy Davis’ lawsuit that the execution of an innocent person is unconstitutional. Troy Davis has been in a Georgia prison since 1991 and will be executed if his appeals fail. 

R-42 ILWU Supports Women’s Rights in the Home, Workplace and in the World - calls for creation of domestic violence information centers; that ILWU contracts guarantee equal wages and promotion for women, stop workplace harassment, and provide flexible hours for working mothers; that the ILWU supports 

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