The following resolutions and constitutional changes were adopted at this year’s International Convention in Vancou ver, Canada. All delegates have an opportunity to take the mic and contribute to the discussions and debates.
Local 26 Watchmen (R-16): ILWU commits to defend and protect Local 26 Watchmen’s collective bargaining agreements, juristiction and work. Biennial Women’s Conference (R-18): supports continuation of Women’s Conference and resolves
Solidarity Cuba Support (CP-9): calls on the Biden adminstration to support an end to the unilateral blockade on Cuba, remove Cuba from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism; and commits $10,000.00 for pacemakers to be sent to Cuba.
Union Business Statement of Policy on Titled Officers’ Salaries (CP-1): updates Titled Officers’ salaries, which are based on the average of the percentage increase in the base rate of pay in the ILWU’s three major industries - Longshore, Northern California Warehouse, and Local 142’s major hotel agreements. Statement of Policy on Amendments to Articles IV and X (CP-2): amends the Constitution to remove Panama from Articles IV and X in order to accurately reflect the Union’s current jurisdiction and areas. Statement of Policy on Convention Locations (CP-3): Amends the Constitution to reflect the current Convention Schedule. The 2027 Convention will be in Seattle, Washington. Statement of Policy on Per Capita (CP-4): As of July 1, 2024, the per capita rates will increase as follows: Rate of pay less than $16 - increased $0.31 to $8.07 per member per month; Rate of pay equal to or greater than $16.00 but less than $21.00 - increased $0.67 to $14.04 per member per month; Rate of pay equal or greater than $21.00 and yearly earnings are $90,000 or less - increased $1.91 to $23.17; Earnings exceed $90,000 per year - increased $2.90 to $31.92 per member per month. Organizing Recommit to an Agressive Organizing Program (CP-7): Allocates not less than 30% of the International’s per captia income for organizing and emphasizes a committment across the union to build membership support for organizing and mobilizing. Offshore Wind Funding (CP 10): The ILWU shall support wind power organizing activities including research, relationship building, lobbying, and attendance at relevant conferences.
Federated Auxillaries (CP-14): amends the Constitution to ease the requirements to charter a federated auxillary, which serves to promote the ILWU. ILWU ‘Ohana Local 56 (R-6): Local 56, the last Ship Scalers and Painters Union on the West Coast acknowldges and thanks individuals, locals, and the international union for supporting them through a period of internal strife. IBU Transition to Green Energy (R-3): supporting all efforts by the IBU/ILWU Marine Division in in transitioning to green energy and in gaining a competative market share in clean renewable energy construction, production, and transportation. In Memorium (R-8): The ILWU fondly remembers the following members and retirees who lost their lives in the Lahaina wildfires: Members: Lydia Coloma — Foodland Super Market Marilou Dias — Montage Kapalua Bay Freeman Tam Lung — Kaʻanapali Operations Junmark Quijano — Foodland Super Market Eugene Recolizado — Westin Maui Hotel and Spa Maria Victoria Recolizado — Westin Maui Hotel and Spa Danilo Sagudang — Hyatt Regency Maui Retirees: Alfredo Galinato — Westin Maui Morris Kaita — Kapalua Land Golf Course Lynn Manibog — Foodland Super Market Bernard Portabes — Hyatt Regency Maui Conchita Sagudang — Royal Lahaina Resort Carlo Tobias — HC&S Angelita Vasques — HC&S Workers Affected by Lahaina Wildfires (R-9): Local 142 pledges to monitor the ongoing effects of the Lahaina wildfires on our members and continue to support their recovery efforts. Local 142 pledges to put workers’ rights at the forefront our our advocacy for Lahaina members.
that future conferences be held biennally rather athan annually to strengthen proper planning and financial support. 1934 Waterfront Strike (R-19): commemorates the 90th anniversary of the 1934 Great Waterfront Strike and remembers the workers who lost their lives in the strike. Willie Adams (R-20): Local 142 and 100 express appreciateion and gratitude for the work and leadership of Brother Willie Adams in supporting the locals and leading the union through unique challenges and strengthening the union overall. Terri Mast (R-24): bestows the status of lifetime honorary member of the ILWU to Terri Mast and congratulates her on her recent retirement after a lifetime of service to the ILWU, IBU and working people the world over. Recognition of Willie Adams (R 25): expresses gratitude and honor to President Willie Adams for his service to the ILWU and his work for racial justice and the labor movement. Bestows title of President Emeritus to him. Melvin MacKay Local 10 (R-28): honors Local 10 leader Melvin MacKay as a labor warrior for all that he has done for the ILWU and the community. Defend Worker Rights Defend Unions, Civil Rights, Right to Protest, and Democracy (R-12): the ILWU indicts “critical infrastructure” bills designed to suppress protest; condemns manufactured panics over Critical Race Theory, “wokeness” and anti-trans paranoia designed to split the working class against itself; and defends public schools, intellectual and academic freedom, social justice, and the right to protest. Section 7 Merchant Marine Act (Jones Act) (R-21): calls upon present and all future U.S. Secretaries of Transporation to ensure adequate, regular, certain, and permanent maritime trade betwen ILWU coasts and world markets as laid out in Section 7 of the Maerchant Marine Act.
Railroad Workers United (R-7): in light of the RWU’s international campaign for public interest rail operations, the ILWU urges the RWU to send a guest speaker to address the ILWU International Executive Board. Ceasefire and Protection of Civilians (R-22): demands a full and lasting ceasefire between the IDF and Hamas, the release of all civilians being illegally held and compliance with international law by all parties. Starbucks United (R-23): supports all organizing efforts of Starbucks Workers Unted and encourages all members to join SWU workers on their picket lines and wherever their struggle leads. Nominations for International Office Current Vice President (Mainland) Bobby Olvera Jr. was nominated for President facing no opposition. The seat of Vice President saw two nominations: Ryan Whitman and John Fargeux will be the candidates for this seat. Current Secretary-Treasurer Ed Ferris was nominated facing no opposition. Current Local 142 Legislative Liasion amd Hawaiʻi Longshore Division Rep, Brandon Wolff, was nominated for International Vice President (Hawaiʻi) facing no opposition. For the International Executive Board (IEB), here are the candidates running from ILWU Local 142: Longshore: Dustin Dawson General Trades: Elmer Gorospse Jr. Pineapple: Jimmy Barreras Tourism 1: Whitney Broekstra Tourism 2: Jeannie Silva Candidate statements and more coverage of the Convention can be found in the current issue of the The Dispatcher. The 40th ILWU Convention will be held in Seattle in 2027.