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(L-r) Senate President Donna Mercado Kim, Senator Glenn Wakai, ILWU Local 142 President Donna Domingo, and Senator Gilbert Kahele, chair of the Senate Tourism Committee.

HONOLULU—On April 15, 2014, the Hawaii State Senate confirmed the appointment of ILWU Local President Donna Domingo to the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) Board of Directors.

The HTA is a state agency that develops policy, coordinates research, and implements and manages plans and programs that ensure a healthy tourism industry in Hawaii. The HTA Board of Directors consists of twelve members, who are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the legislature.

Support all ILWU endorsed candidates

HONOLULU—ILWU Local 142 released the complete list of the union endorsed candidates for congressional, state and county races (See page 8).

Endorsements were made only in the Democratic Party races and ILWU members, families and friends are urged to take a Democratic ballot in the primary elections on Saturday, August 9, 2014.

Three levels of endorsements were made:

made: • An “endorsement” of a candidate means that the union and their families are urged to vote and support the candidate. The union and its officers may actively support the candidate. 

• An “open endorsement” means that the union has no recommendation for the race and members are free to vote for any candidate. However, ILWU officers and stewards should not publicly support any candidate, as that can be seen to mean support by the union. 

• A “no endorsement” means members are urged NOT to support or vote for any of the candidates in that race.

The following statewide candidates are endorsed by the ILWU:
U.S. Senate ...............................        Colleen Hanabusa
U.S. House Dist. 1..................         Donna Mercado Kim
U.S. House Dist. 2..................         Tulsi Gabbard
Governor...................................         Neil Abercrombie
Lt. Governor...............................        Shan Tsutsui

You still have time to register to vote in the primary election on August 9, 2014— the deadline is July 10. Call your Division office for voter registration forms today!