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Make your vote count for working families! Support your union’s recommendations in the Primary Elections this September 20, 2008. ILWU members and families are urged to take a Democratic Ballot and vote for those candidates listed below. Cut out these lists and keep them in your wallet as a reminder when you vote. 

Your Political Action Committee made these recommendations after interviewing the candidates and asking them if they would support issues important to working families. Some of these issues included support for workers compensation and the right of workers to unionize.

Don’t derail steel rail
The ILWU supports the steel rail system for Honolulu and believes it is unnecessary to put the issue on the November ballot or a special election. Steel rail is proven and reliable technology with the lowest long, term maintenance costs. Steel rail was chosen through a representative and democratic process. Democracy also means accepting the decision of a majority vote.

7 reasons why a Constitutional Convention is not necessary

• Our Constitution is a good document and there is nothing broken that needs to be fixed. 
• No compelling need for a Constitutional Convention (Con Con).
• Waste of time and money - it would cost $10-20 million or more. 
• Special interests and emotional issues would dominate the debate. 
• Civil rights and workers rights could be threatened. 
• Our Constitution should set broad policies and not try to deal with specific issues. Our legislative process should be used to deal with these issues. 
• We elect legislators to make the decisions after careful study and debate. The Legislature can always propose amendments to the Constitution.