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1 Promote compliance with fair labor and employment standards within the tourism industry. No government assistance and/or funds should be given to any entity (i.e., hotel or resort; hotel, condominium rental or timeshare operator, including multi-property operators; or owner of a property or resort) that is in violation of such labor or employment standards. 

2 Support additional funding for tourism promotion with an emphasis on promoting neighbor island tourism.


3 Support legislation, programs and funding to keep HC&S viable as the only sugar company remaining in operation in Hawaii, including continued availability of water resources.

Oppose any ban on cane burning, which continues to be the most viable method to harvest sugar cane.

Support continued funding for sugar research, including diversification of cane products and potential complementary activities such as diversified agriculture and aquaculture.

Support use of locally produced molasses and/or sugar and other locally produced material as feedstock for ethanol production before importation of feedstock.

4 Support legislation, programs and funding to keep the pineapple industry viable in Hawaii.

5 Support funding for promotion and protection of coffee, papaya, macadamia nuts, aquaculture, and other diversified agricultural products. Support diversified agriculture with financing for research and marketing, packing facilities, low-interest loan programs, etc. 

7 Support agricultural water development for farmers and ranchers, such as in Ka‘u and Waimea on the Big Island, including repairs to Kohala Ditch and Hamakua Ditch. Support preservation, and maintenance and repair of existing water systems. Support making adequate water available for farming. 

For example, support the issuance of long-term leases for East Maui Irrigation (EMI). Water is critical to the ongoing operation of HC&S; portions of the water already go to the County of Maui and farmers in Kula. EMI is the only company able to manage and maintain the system, including numerous water tunnels.


7 Support the working waterfront. Any waterfront development must ensure the continued safety and viability of the existing manifested cargo operations in the Honolulu Harbor area and all other ports.

Improve and enlarge neighbor island port facilities for passenger ships. The State should move forward with construction of cruise ship facilities which are part of the Department of Transportation master plan.

Oppose privatization of harbor facilities. Oppose state exchange of harbor area lands. Oppose establishment of an appointed Port Authority.

Kauai Business Agent Doreen Kua, Representative Dee Morikawa, and Kauai Division Director Michael Machado at the January 16, 2013 opening day of the State Legislature.

Hawaii Industries 

8 Mandate the State to purchase locally grown produce and locally manufactured products for use at its facilities. Encourage contracting with local companies for goods and services, except where local companies do not have the required expertise, equipment or capacity. 

9 Support “Buy Hawaii First” programs and encourage incentives for local manufacturing industries and retailers. Promote labeling of products made in Hawaii. Require proper labeling of frozen and thawed bread produced outside of Hawaii to inform the consumer and to promote fresh-baked Hawaii products.

10 Oppose the use of “prison labor” which will unfairly compete with the private sector. 

New Economic Opportunities 

11 Support necessary infrastructure to keep existing industries viable and to encourage the development of permanent “export” industries. Develop incentives to encourage new industries which result in a net increase of full-time jobs that pay a living wage. 

12 Support legislation to encourage development of new industries in Hawaii that will create more jobs. 

13 Support legislation ensuring that state subsidies are spent wisely by requiring assessment of the cost-effectiveness of tax incentive programs. If promised outcomes are not delivered, subsidies should be refunded to the State. 

14 Support more ocean view parks in areas such as along the Hamakua Coast. 

15 Support authorization of counties to decide to legalize gaming.


More of the ILWU’s 2013 Legislative Program and Priorities on pages 4-5