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Are you a tipping category hotel worker? Do you want to increase your tipping income by 10 to 30 percent?

Yes? Then read Michael Lynn’s “Mega Tips: Scientifically Tested Techniques to Increase Your Tips.” Lynn explains 14 methods that are proven to increase your tips. 

Prof. Lynn has given us permission to reprint a few of his tips in each issue of the Voice In the Nov-Dec 2008 issue we printed Tip #7 - Repeat Customer’s Order and #11 Smile. 

“Mega Tips” can be freely downloaded chr/research/tools/LynnMegaTipsFinal.pdf. Or call your ILWU Division Office or write to ILWU, 451 Atkinson Drive, Honolulu, HI 96814 and we’ll mail you a copy.


14 methods of increasing your tips 

1. Wear something unusual (like a flower) - increases tip by 17% - Jan-Feb 2009 VOICE. 
2. Introduce yourself by name - increases tip by 53% - Jan-Feb 2009 VOICE. 
3. Suggesting drinks, appetizers, deserts - increases tip by 23% - Mar-Apr 2009 VOICE. 
4. Squat next to the table - increases tip by 20-25% - Mar-Apr 2009 VOICE. 
5. Touch your customers - increases tip by 22 to 42%. 
6. Telling customers a joke - increases tip by 40%. 
7. Repeat customers’ orders - increases tip by 100% - Nov-Dec 2008 VOICE. 
8. Call your customers by name - increases tip by 10%. 
9. Draw on the check - increases tip by 18%. 
10. Use check folder with credit card insignia - increases tip by 25%. 
11. Big Smile - increases tip by 140% - Nov-Dec 2008. 
12. Write “Thank you” on the check - increases tip by 13% - JanFeb 2009 VOICE. 
13. Forecast good weather - increases tip by 18%. 
14. Give customers candy - increases tip by 18-21%.