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Photo from the Queen’s North Hawaii Community Hospital Technical Unit ratification of their first contract on June 2, 2020. Pictured clockwise from left are negotiating committee members Sheryl Weinstein, Tom Pinkert, Hawaii Division Director Elmer Gorospe, Organizer Colleen Antonio, Business Agent Tristie Licoan and Local Lead Organizer Ron Clough.

HILO — Even a pandemic cannot stop this union from doing what it has always done -- ensure workers are fairly represented on the job. On June 2, 2020, the members of newly formed Unit 1426 at Queen’s North Hawaii Community Hospital Techs (NHCH) voted to ratify their first contract.

A long but worthwhile journey 
This unit’s journey to getting their first contract was not without its obstacles and challenges.

However, due to the persistence and dedication of the members desiring to join the union, they were able to achieve a successful ratification, with 95% of the membership voting yes to the first contract.

Journey to unionization started in 2017 
Whenever workers want to first unionize, they can hold an election run by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

The over 30 members that make up this unit -- composed of MRI techs, ultrasound techs, mammography techs, nuclear med techs, and respiratory therapists to name a few -- voted in the NLRB election that was held on September 28, 2017.

Workers insist on fairness 
The first election resulted in a tie. A tie would normally result in a loss. However, workers informed the organizers that supervisors were trying to find out who was supporting the ILWU and making threats to take away hours from workers who voted to join the union.

This type of surveillance and intimidation is illegal. Once NHCH techs reported these actions to the union, the ILWU took action. ILWU Local 142 filed charges with the NLRB.

Rather than go to a trial, NHCH management, the ILWU, and the NLRB agreed to a re-run of the union election and a new election was held on March 15, 2018.

Democracy in action 
Part of the stipulation to the new election was that a memo signed by NHCH management had to be posted prior to a new election on company boards. These memos stated:

• Form, join, or assist a union;
• Choose a representative to bargain with us on your behalf; 
• Act together with other employees for your benefit and protection; 
• Choose not to engage in any of these protected activities.

Business Agent Tristie Licoan, Sheryl Weinstein, a radiologic technologist and Tom Pinkert, a respiratory therapist, counting the ballots after their membership cast their votes to approve their first union contract.

Overwhelming vote YES to unionize 
Free from intimidation, the employees voted in favor of ILWU representation by an overwhelming majority during the March 15 election and the results were certified on March 23, 2018.

Congratulations to this official new unit on the Big Island, for not only sticking it out to gain union representation, but also successfully ratifying your first contract. The union is strong because of members like you.