“For Something Bigger Than Just Us”
Hundreds of ILWU Members March on Hilton Hawaiian Villiage in Historic Show of Solidarity

A line of gold ILWU T-shirts lined the side of the road as far as they eye could see on Ala Moana Boulevard from the entrance of the beach park and into Waikīkī as hundreds of Local 142 members in attendance at the 30th Local Convention marched to join UNITE HERE! Local 5 members at the Hilton Hawaiian Village for a display of powerful labor unity. The dual-union march on the Hilton took place in September, just after Local 5 members’ three-day warning strike but prior to the 40 day strike that they conducted soon after. 300 ILWU members marched to the HHV and were met by picketing Local 5 members. Together, the two unions marched through the grounds of the hotel, chanting loudly through shopping areas, past the restaurants and pools, across the beach, and finally converging to pack the hotel lobby where hundreds of rank-and-file members thundered chants of worker power for a 20-minute rally. Two unions unite in the fight The Hilton Hawaiian Village is the most profitable Hilton hotel on earth. The other Hawaiʻi Hiltons in Waikoloa on the Big Island, and the Grand Wailea, on Maui, follow closely behind. At the time of the march and rally, the Hilton was stagnating in negotiations both at the HHV and at the Grand Wailea.
ILWU President Chris West spoke at the action rally to members of both unions. “The corporations, they like to see us separated, they like to see us fighting each other. But when we’re fighting ourselves, they win. This is the start of us joining together. Not as Local 5, not as the ILWU, but as working-class people in the state of Hawaiʻi.” The convention afforded International ILWU leaders to attend the march and rally as well. President Willie Adams, Vice President Robert Olivera Jr., and Secretary-Treasurer Ed Ferris enthusiastically marched alongside the rank-and-file members. Also in attendance was Rob Aston, National President of ILWU Canada. Aston highlighted the contract fight that UNITE HERE! Local 40 members were fighting for in Vancouver B.C. “The struggles that you’re going through as hotel
workers is not just about hotel workers. Its about the working class here in Hawaiʻi, across the Unit ed States, Canada and worldwide. Because what we’re in the middle of is a class war!” At the closing rally, Local 5 Bellman, Gerritt Vin cent spoke to the crowd, echoing the sentiments of the leaders and em phasizing the stakes for all working people in Hawai’i. “This fight isn’t over. This fight is im portant because this fight is gonna keep us on the land we were born in, on the land we choose to live in. It’s gonna keep my kids in Hawai’i, it’s gonna keep our families together.” Local 142 members felt the power of the solidarity action as well. Kaleo Kalawaiʻa works in Cu linary at the Grand Wailea Resort in Maui. “The feeling of the march on the Hilton Hawaiian Village - of hundreds of individuals giving the same power to support each other - made me feel how powerful it is to be a part of the ILWU. It made me even more proud to be a part of the ILWU, what we represent and what we stand for.” Since the rally, Local 5 settled their contract with the Hilton Hawaiian Village but only after a 40-day strike compelled the com pany to negotiate seriously. ILWU members at the Grand Wailea Maui also settled their contract in Octo ber, also under the threat of a strike.