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New industrial groupings, Lahaina focus of convention business

The 30th Convention updated the Consitution to more accurately reflect the union’s industrial groupings. Resolutions focused on Lahaina fires and honored the union’s longtime accountant, Lowell Nagaue. A summary of constitutional amendments and resolutions are provided below.


C-1 ARTICLE III: Local Negoti
ating Committees and Caucuses 
(Composition of Industry-Wide 
This constitutional amendment 
creates an “Agricultural Industrial 
Grouping” to include agricultur
al units such as macadamia nuts, 
coffee, and nurseries, with each 
unit having at least one delegate. 
It replaces the outdated “Pineapple 
Industrial Grouping” due to the 
decline in pineapple operations and 
membership. The amendment also 
establishes a “Health Care Industri
al Grouping” to reflect the growing 
healthcare industry, ensuring ade
quate representation for healthcare 
workers. Both new groupings will 
follow the same delegate represen
tation formula used for the Tourism 

C-2 ARTICLE III: Local Negoti
ating Committees and Caucuses 
(Composition of Industry-Wide 
Negotiating Committee)
The amendment ensures that each 
unit in the new Agriculture and 
Health Care industrial groupings 
has a delegate to industry-wide 
negotiating committees, with addi
tional representation based on the 
Tourism grouping’s formula.    
C-3 ARTICLE III: Local Negoti
ating Committees and Caucuses 
(Composition of Negotiating 
The amendment ensures that each 
unit in the new Agriculture and 
Health Care industrial groupings 
has a delegate to non industry-wide 
negotiating committees, with addi
tional representation based on the 
Tourism grouping’s formula. 

C-4 ARTICLE V: Titled Officers & 
ARTICLE X: Duties of Officers
The term “field representatives” 
is replaced with “local representa
tives” throughout the Constitution 
to reflect current usage. 

C-5 ARTICLE VII: Local Execu
tive Board
The make-up of the Local Execu
tive Board reflects the added Agri
cultural and Health Care industrial 
groupings, changing the Industrial 
Grouping representation, Division 
Directors, Division Trustees, and 
Division Board members from 4 to 5.

C-6 ARTICLE XII: International 
Executive Board
Representation for the International 
Executive Board reflects the added 
Agricultural and Health Care indus
trial groupings.


R-1 Resolution Recognizing Lowell Nagaue The ILWU Local 142, its members and Officers, extend its deepest condolences to his wife, Joy Ann, his children, Gavin and Jill Ann, and to the rest of the Nagaue family and confers on Lowell Nagaue a posthumous Honorary Member ship. R-2 Resolution in Support of our Workers Affected by the Lahaina Wildfires Pledges to monitor the effects of the Lahaina Wildfires closely to ensure our members receive proper assistance with long-term hous ing and other support, as needed. Pledges to remind corporate owners and managers that workers’ rights must be fully recognized and seri ously taken into consideration. R-5 Resolution in Memoriam of Retiree and Member Victims of the Lahaina Wildfires Fondly remembers our members and retirees who passed in the Lahaina wildfires and honors them for their service to the ILWU Local 142, with a plaque containing all of their names to be forever mounted at the Maui ILWU Hall. May they all rest in peace, and may we go forward to make them all proud.
R-5 cont.
Lydia Coloma
Marilou Dias
Junmark Quijano
Eugene Recolizado
Maria Victoria Recolizado
Danilo Sagudang

Alredo Galinato
Morris Kaita
Lynn Manigog
Bernard Portabes
Conchita Sagudang
Freeman Tam Lung
Carlo Florante Vagay Tobias

R-6 Resolution in Recognition of 
the Hawaii Longshore Division
    Recognizes and honors the Ha
waii Longshore Division, Brandon 
Wolff, Division Director Dustin 
Dawson, Brad Scott and Jackie 
Kaaihue for their unwavering sup
port to our members and commu
nity who were negatively impacted 
by the disaster. 

R-7 Resolution in Recognizing 
West Coast Locals
    Express the ILWU Local 142’s 
deep gratitude to our West Coast 
brothers and sisters who selflessly 
and tirelessly worked to support 
Maui Division and enters into offi
cial record of the ILWU Local 142 
for their exceptional service to our 
Union and Community.