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Editor’s Note: Usually the ILWU Local 142 Conventions include written resolutions for recently retired Full-Time Officers of the Union. It is with sincere apologies that one commemorating Pamela’s retirement was not written in time to be included during the duration of the Convention.

Pamela Green retired from her role as Kauai Division Director at the end of 2019, but her impact is still felt today on Kauai and beyond.

Pamela was born in Coos Bay, Oregon and moved to Kauai when she was 13 years old. She got her start in the ILWU in 1980 as a cashier at Waipouli Foodland. She was elected as Local Trustee in 2003 and served as Unit Chair until 2004.

Leadership from 
Foodland days Former Kauai Division Director Clayton Delacruz recalled, “She was the Foodland Unit Chair for many years, so we recognized her capabilities right away. She stood out because she was passionate. We brought her on for some temporary assignments as a Business Agent. I remember her starting off being so gung ho about fighting for the members, we had to say, ‘Whoa, don’t have to charge and fight from the gate! Let’s look at all sides of the story first, Pam!’ But she figured it out and didn’t give up easily. She explored all avenues to settle issues.”

When Pamela recently reflected on her time in the union, it was very clear that she had the members’ best interests at heart. “I just know that people’s jobs are so important to them. And that’s what we do in a service position like this. We serve members in their time of need at their jobs. You have to be sure to follow up and not be dismissive. I don’t really think of myself in terms of having a ‘legacy.’ I just think of myself as another person with a job, and I wanted to show up and do the work with as pure a heart and intentions as possible.”

Business Agent Experience 
Pamela was a Business Agent for 11 years before becoming Division Director in 2016.

Chad Pacheco, a current Business Agent for Kauai Division was thankful for her experience as a Business Agent and her willingness to guide him: “She was extremely patient with me in terms of teaching me things that would help me be a better Business Agent, and also for my well being in general,” said Chad. “She knew I liked the outdoors to recharge, so she suggested things like cleaning a member’s yard. She showed me there’s so many ways to show you care. And to not forget to care for yourself too.There is never a time I feel like I can’t call her for assistance til today.”

Pamela’s last Division Executive Board Meeting that celebrated her retirement in December 2019. Front L-R: Chad Pacheco, Jonarene Agbisit Unit 3401 Wilcox Memorial Hospital, Dolly DeCosta, Dianne Lopez Unit 3401, Kai Lopez. Back L-R: Calvin Corpuz, Liberty Corpuz, Clayton Delacruz, Jesus Guirao, Pamela Green, Michael Machado, Trudy Azeka Unit 3511 Grand Hyatt Kauai, Rollan Akira Yadao Unit 3504 Princeville Utilities, Mona Dotario-Agor.

Pamela always followed through on an instinct of responsibility, not just in terms of guiding new Business Agents, but also stepping up into new leadership roles.

After the late Division Director Michael Machado retired in 2015, she found the courage within to progress into unfamiliar territory.

In her candidate statement for Division Director, Pamela wrote, “As the Senior Business Agent, I feel it is my responsibility to take a deep breath and run for the position of Division Director. I would like to ask for your continued support and vote and in return I will continue to give you all I can give.”

Women Empowerment 
Her legacy as Kauai’s first woman Division Director set in motion women leaders for the future.

“We sent her to the Institute for Union Women in California, and she took it and just ran with it. Justice for women in the workplace was one of her favorite subjects,” recalled Delacruz.

Always one to pay it forward, it was practically inevitable that Pamela would see another woman Division Director in her lifetime.

Rhonda Morris, the newly elected Division Director of Kauai remembers the values that Pamela guided her with. “I call her ‘Yoda’ and it’s so funny because her last name is Green,” said Morris. “Her biggest thing was working for the betterment of all. Being part of negotiations for the hotel I worked at, she would often ask me, ‘Do you want this so it benefits just your department or is this for the whole unit?’ She always reminded me of what is at stake: the members, who we are either lifting up or letting down.”

Mahalo nui Pamela for consistently lifting up so many during your time working at the ILWU Local 142! We honor your committed leadership and passion and wish you the sweetest enjoyment of your beautiful family and health.

Pamela recently welcomed a baby boy to her blessed assortment of grandchildren. She stays true to her commitment of mind, body, and spirit and walks almost daily and keeps up a regimen on her Peloton bike.

Pictured above is Pamela with her husband Joel Green at the Kauai Division Pensioner Labor Day Picnic in 2017. Joel would often participate in ILWU Local 142’s Statewide Sports Program in basketball, and assist in the Sports Program in general.


January 2017 Opening Day of the Legislature. “Pam really stepped up to the plate for PAC (Political Action),” said Delacruz. “She wasn’t the most political person at first, but she knew she had to educate herself on politics to know what was going on with the membership, so of course she stepped up to do that.” Sitting L-R: Pamela Green, Ernie Domingo, Kauai Division Director Rhonda Morris. Standing L-R: Jesus Guirao, Stanley Dotario, Joey Silva from Unit 3511 Grand Hyatt Kauai, Jesse Vaughn.


Pictured above is Pamela with clockwise from left Local Vice President Corinna Salmo Nguyen, Maui Business Agent Teddy Espeleta, Organizer Colleen Antonio, and Bryon Ponte from Unit 3408 Mid-Pac Auto Center at the ILWU Local 142 Christmas Party in 2017.