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The Servco negotiating committee. Front L-R: Belinda Ayson, Neill Amasaki, Paris Fernandez, Grant Kawamoto, Jeffrey Higa. Back L-R: Darren Iguchi, Dural Duenas, Daven Tong, Randall Tenn.

HONOLULU — On April 30, 2018, members of Unit 4412 Servco Pacific gathered at the Local union for their contract ratification.

The union made substantial gains in the workplace, including a 2% increase in wages over a year.

This unit is made up of nearly 300 members who do a wide range of jobs in departments such as mechanics/technicians, warehouse, clerks, lot attendants, delivery, and shuttle drivers.

Servco Pacific remains the only auto shop in Hawaii where auto technicians are paid on the hourly system. Unit officers and the negotiating committee were able to keep the pay system as hourly instead of flat-rate. Flatrate pay is calculated based on the average time it would take for a technician to finish a job. Hourly rate benefits workers more because if for example, a one hour oil change turns into a three-hour job, the technician is paid for all three hours.

Members of the negotiating committee are as follows: Unit Chair Neill Amasaki, Unit Vice Chair Jeffrey Higa, Unit Treasurer Randall Tenn, Unit Secretary Dural Duenas, Susan Ho, Belinda Ayson, Grant Kawamoto, Daven Tong, and Business Agent Paris Fernandez.

Mason Cadaoas and his daughter Angel Marie and Belinda Ayson with her kids Mariah and Anthony.

Cliff Ganigan, Gladwin Abes, Levin Florendo, Curt Ramos, Mark Vermudez showed up after work to learn about their new contract.

...democracy in action!

members vote to approve their contract