Message from the International President
My last President’s message in the September 2023 Dispatcher was
written during a time of uncertainty.
In that message, I explained why the ILWU had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on September 30, 2023. I now write this President’s message to share that the ILWU’s bankruptcy filing and the decade-long litigation with ICTSI Oregon have been resolved. On February 1st, the ILWU announced that it, along with the ILWU Coast Longshore Division, had reached a settlement with ICTSI resolving all legal claims related to the ICTSI litigation and the ILWU’s bankruptcy filing. The International Executive Board immediately held
a special meeting for an update and discussion regarding the settlement. The Coast Longshore Division also held a one-day caucus on February 12th to receive and update and discuss the settlement.
On February 22nd, the bankruptcy court approved the settlement and dismissed the ILWU’s bankruptcy case. This brings to a close a difficult chapter for our union. The settlement was reached after several days of mediation overseen
In that message, I explained why the ILWU had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on September 30, 2023. I now write this President’s message to share that the ILWU’s bankruptcy filing and the decade-long litigation with ICTSI Oregon have been resolved. On February 1st, the ILWU announced that it, along with the ILWU Coast Longshore Division, had reached a settlement with ICTSI resolving all legal claims related to the ICTSI litigation and the ILWU’s bankruptcy filing. The International Executive Board immediately held
a special meeting for an update and discussion regarding the settlement. The Coast Longshore Division also held a one-day caucus on February 12th to receive and update and discuss the settlement.
On February 22nd, the bankruptcy court approved the settlement and dismissed the ILWU’s bankruptcy case. This brings to a close a difficult chapter for our union. The settlement was reached after several days of mediation overseen
“These past few months have been difficult for the officers, our locals, and the rank and file. During this time, the resolve and determination of the membership never wavered. You responded to this adversity with strength and unity. I would expect nothing less from this great membership”
by a federal bankruptcy judge and includes a mutual broad release of
all claims and disputes among the parties, including the claims in the
ICTSI lawsuit, and payment of $20.5 million to ICTSI. While $20.5
million settlement is a bitter and expensive pill to swallow that erases
two decades of financial reserves, we all can now move forward and
focus on our future and this union’s important work
The Titled Officers and the International Executive Board made the difficult and painful decision to file bankruptcy protection and we stayed the course. That brave decision by your leadership has allowed us to free ourselves from
the long-running litigation that has afflicted this union for far too long. It’s important that we learn from this and make sure we don’t forget that our actions have consequences.
These past few months have been difficult for the officers, our locals, and the rank and file. During this time, the resolve and determination of the membership never wavered. You responded to this adversity with strength and unity. I would expect nothing less
The Titled Officers and the International Executive Board made the difficult and painful decision to file bankruptcy protection and we stayed the course. That brave decision by your leadership has allowed us to free ourselves from
the long-running litigation that has afflicted this union for far too long. It’s important that we learn from this and make sure we don’t forget that our actions have consequences.
These past few months have been difficult for the officers, our locals, and the rank and file. During this time, the resolve and determination of the membership never wavered. You responded to this adversity with strength and unity. I would expect nothing less
from this great membership. As I said in my September 2023 President’s
message, this group of Officers and our membership can handle this kind
of trouble. Indeed, we have handled this much trouble, we have resolved
this trouble, and our union is now on the best possible path forward.
I want to thank all of those who have supported the ILWU and those who worked so hard to get us through this. Thank you to the Titled Officers, ILWU Coast Longshore Division Officers, ILWU locals and affiliates, and ILWU membership for your unwavering support and dedication to this union. A special thank you and acknowledgment must go the ILWU Local 142 membership, the Local 142 Officers and Executive Board, and the Hawaii Longshore Division for stepping up and once again showing us what true solidarity means through their admirable actions.
I just returned from the National Conference of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) in Adelaide where MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin presented our delegation with a check for AUD $500,000 as a contribution towards the ILWU’s settlement costs. The MUA membership—dockers and maritime workers on the other side of the world who were not involved in the dispute with ICTSI showed us that they had our back even though this battle did not belong to them. Their actions, not their words showed us that we do not walk alone
The ILWU will be heading into the 2024 ILWU Convention June 17-21 in Vancouver, Canada
I want to thank all of those who have supported the ILWU and those who worked so hard to get us through this. Thank you to the Titled Officers, ILWU Coast Longshore Division Officers, ILWU locals and affiliates, and ILWU membership for your unwavering support and dedication to this union. A special thank you and acknowledgment must go the ILWU Local 142 membership, the Local 142 Officers and Executive Board, and the Hawaii Longshore Division for stepping up and once again showing us what true solidarity means through their admirable actions.
I just returned from the National Conference of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) in Adelaide where MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin presented our delegation with a check for AUD $500,000 as a contribution towards the ILWU’s settlement costs. The MUA membership—dockers and maritime workers on the other side of the world who were not involved in the dispute with ICTSI showed us that they had our back even though this battle did not belong to them. Their actions, not their words showed us that we do not walk alone
The ILWU will be heading into the 2024 ILWU Convention June 17-21 in Vancouver, Canada

being pushed by a tailwind. Full transparency: There will be some painful discussions as we set the path forward, begin the recovery process, and prepare for a brighter future. The ILWU is a global treasure worth defending
Thank you to the union staff, attorneys, and other professionals, who helped us throughout this process. Thank you to all of the unions and our brother and sisters in the global labor movement for their strong show of solidarity and support. This organization rose to the occasion and lived up to its name– we could not have gotten through this hard time without the collective support of so many.
God Bless the Mighty ILWU.