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do at the ballot box will determine the future for many years. We have a choice to determine the future of prosperity or the future of a status quo.”

Unions encourage workers to stand up for their rights in the work place. Similarly, getting involved in political action is a way to speak up for our concerns in our larger democracy.

Leadership from the ground up 
Special guest Local Vice President, and “Hawaii Division’s very own” Corinna Nguyen’s speech pointed out the relationship between the Local leadership and the leadership of the members within their own units.

“Everyone here tonight, whether you’re a full-time officer, a member, a union officer, or pensioner, each and every one of you here has touched the lives of our members in some way at some point in time,” said Nguyen. “We, as the Titled Officers, want all of you to know we value each and every one of you for without your support we could not do what we do for the members here in Hawaii Division.”

Building the union 
Local Secretary-Treasurer Brian Tanaka’s speech emphasized the importance of education in the Local’s priority of empowering the members to make this union reflect the values of the working class.

“The Local, last year up until February, conducted 13 steward training classes, training approximately 245 stewards and officers. One day all those trained will be the leaders of this Local. As the saying goes, ‘We don’t rebuild; we reload,’ and education is very important to us.”

After the speeches laid the foundation for the night, the awards were given out.

Outstanding Units 
Awardees were decided based on criteria such as: how active the units were in conducting regular meetings, following up on grievances and political action.

All the efforts in these areas matter, and are worthy of acknowledgment and celebration. Outstanding Unit General Trades (1-29 Members): Unit 1426 North Hawaii Community Hospital. Outstanding Unit General Trades (30-99 Members): Unit 1513 Transcontinental Corporation. Outstanding Unit General Trades (100+ Members): Unit 1402 Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Corporation. Tourism Industry Unit Achievement Award: Unit 1517 Hilton Waikoloa Village.

Other awards 
Pensioner Club with the Most Active Members: Papaikou Pensioner Club.

Pensioner Club with the Most New Members: Hilo Pension Club.

Division Editor’s Award & Recognition: Tristie Licoan.

Division Individual Memento Recognition: Sui Sin Coloma. “She drove 140 miles a day, 5 days a week just to come to the office to help the Division,” said Division Director Elmer Gorospe of Coloma, who recently retired.

Secretary-Treasurer Brian Tanaka accepted an award on behalf of retired Secretary-Treasurer Guy Fujimura for his years of service. Guy would attend every banquet without fail with his wife Susan, and the Division expressed their wishes that he could make a banquet some time in the future.

Looking to the future 
The challenges Division Director Gorospe pointed out in his speech are only going to evolve as the health crisis across the world develops.

The leadership of labor unions and its members are going to be essential to ensuring that workers’ rights are protected in the midst of so much uncertainty.

Democracy matters at ILWU: Royal Lahaina Resort ratifies contract

LAHAINA — Union means we are one. At ILWU Local 142, being part of the union means getting on equal footing with management. Workers negotiate for fair contracts, showing management that what is in the best interest of the workers is also in the best interest of the company.

At Unit 2501 Royal Lahaina Resort on Maui, the hardworking negotiating committee made up of workers from all departments at the hotel came to an agreement with the company.

True to the democracy at the core of unionism, the negotiating committee themselves are voted in by their fellow members to ensure they reflect the concerns of the whole as best as possible.

Similarly, the contract is not ratified until the membership votes on it. Congratulations to the members at Royal Lahaina Resort for their gains in the contract and their solid teamwork.