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Sugar Grouping Candidate 
Kelly Ruidas 
No statement submitted.

Longshore Grouping Candidate 
William P. “Baba” Haole IV

Pineapple Grouping Candidate 
Douglas Cabading 
No statement submitted.

General Trades Grouping Candidate 
Lynden Koerte
No statement submitted

General Trades Grouping Candidate 
Bryon Ponte

Having been nominated as a member of the Local Executive Board in the General Trades Grouping, I, Bryon F. A. Ponte, do hereby submit this statement of my qualifications. I have been a dues paying member of Local 142 since 2001, and worked as a rank and file worker also for 10 consecutive years.

I have maintained a core relationship with all my co-workers and management personnel in order to preserve the workplace harmony and to present a friendly and competent image for our customers.

I was able to develop leadership skills by participating in the ROTC program at Waimea High School, and acquiring the rank of Lieutenant, and graduated with a 3.8 GPA. In continuing education in my chosen field, I have attained qualification as an Engine Master for Ford and Mazda.

In the event that I am chosen for the honor of serving as a voice on the LEB, I look forward to meeting and talking with as many of my brothers and sisters of the ILWU as possible, in order to learn of their problems and concerns. After 10 years in the ILWU, I feel I am ready to assume responsibilities as a member of the LEB.

Tourism Grouping Candidate 
Ronald Johnson 
No statement submitted.

Tourism Grouping Candidate 
Helene “Lei” Kaiahua-Sado


My name is “Helene Lei KaiahuaSado” better known as “Lei”. I am honored to have this opportunity to be nominated as part of the “Local Executive Board” for tourism.

I have been involved with the ILWU Union since 2009. At that time I helped to organize Spa Grande at the Grand Wailea Resort and Spa. Since then, I’ve been assisting the Political Action Committee (in 2010) and Organizing The Community Clinic of Maui and The Hyatt Maui Spa.

I recently had the opportunity to stand for the position of business agent while Steve Castro attended the 2012 ILWU International Convention. This experience offered so many lessons.

This journey with the union has given me encouragement to believe that I have potential to be a leader, mentored by so many fellow officers and members I have come to respect over the past 3 years. I look forward to a future filled with the wisdom, knowledge and experience that have gone before me as I accept my nomination.