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HONOLULU – The Hawaii Longshore Division Caucus was held at the ILWU hall on 451 Atkinson Drive on March 27-28, 2014. Unit 4201 (Longshore) and Unit 4209 Young Brothers met two additional days from March 31-April 1, to complete unfinished business. This was the first Hawaii Longshore Division Caucus and it was attended by 68 delegates and observers representing all the longshore units in the state. They included Longshore, Wharf Clerks, Maintenance, CY/CFS, Wharf Clerical, Young Brothers, and Bulk Sugar Units.

Both the current West Coast Longshore and Clerk’s contract and Hawaii Longshore Division’s contract expires on June 30, 2014. Hawaii Longshore Division members are covered by a separate agreement which is patterned after the West Coast contract. Hawaii Longshore Division negotiation meetings will begin soon and will be focused primarily on work rules and safety practices which cover the various ports and companies.

When a West Coast tentative agreement is reached, it will be reviewed by elected West Coast Longshore Division Caucus delegates. An election date will be set for ratification by the membership that allows enough time for full consideration, questions and answers about the tentative agreement. When the tentative agreement is ratified on the West Coast, then Hawaii talks will begin on cost items such as wages, medical and pension.

ILWU International President Bob McEllrath delivered brief introductory remarks that provided the context and background for the challenges that the Longshore industry faces. He laid out his prospective on the issues that will shape the upcoming contract talks. He is seeking a contract that is shorter in duration than six years as in the last two contracts. 

The challenges ahead include:
• Jurisdiction – efforts by employers and other unions to take Longshore jobs. There have been and continue to have disputes that are centered on the potential loss of jobs to non-union labor and competition with other unions. 
• Health Care & Pensions – increased employer and government pressure to cut benefits. One of the most significant, and controversial, provisions of the Affordable Care Act is the new excise tax on high-cost health plans. The provision is often called the “Cadillac” tax because it targets so-called Cadillac health plans that provide workers the most generous level of health benefits. These high-end health plans’ premiums are paid for mostly by the employer. They also have low deductibles and little cost sharing for employees, if any. 
• Automation – employer efforts to replace workers with new technology. The greatest challenge for unions today, is the retention of jurisdiction as automation eliminates jobs.

Unit 4201 Overall (Longshore) Chairman Elgin Calles was elected the Statewide Longshore Negotiations Chairman and Caucus Chairman. Unit 4201 Overall (Longshore) Secretary Drake Delaforce was elected Statewide Longshore Negotiations Secretary and Caucus Secretary. Unit 1201 Hawaii Stevedores, Inc. (HSI) Hawaii ViceChairman Ikaika Kuoha and (HSI) Steward Faasiu Saifoloi were elected sergeant-atarms.

ILWU International President Bob McEllrath delivering his remarks.

Governor Abrecrombie urging solidarity to the body

Unit 4201 Executive Board member, Alex Utoafili and Unit 4201 Executive Board member, James Pestana gave a report of the West Coast Longshore Caucus held February 24 through March 7, 2014 in San Francisco. A delegation from Hawaii which was made up of thirty-two observers was in attendance where in the past, only two observers attended. They included International Vice-President Wesley Furtado, Longshore Division Director Nate Lum, Longshore Division Business Agent Tyrone Tahara and leaders of the all the longshore units in the state.

Governor Abercrombie was the next speaker and reminded the body that the last minimum wage increase was in 2007. The ILWU was instrumental in getting it passed. That was seven years ago. Today, the legislature is still debating the tip

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Delegates and observers of the first Hawaii Longshore Division Caucus focusing as Article III Local Negotiating Committees and Caucuses was being read into the record on March 27, 2014.