Golf Tournament hosted at Pearl Country Club
AIEA-Over 30 members and their families from all divisions gathered on Oahu at ILWU Unit 4421 Pearl Country Club on September 11, 2022 for the 69th ILWU Local 142 Golf Tournament. The last time we held our Statewide Golf Tournament was in 2018, so the camaraderie was long overdue and that much more appreciated.
Solidarity and Fellowship
Tee-off started at 11:40 a.m. with eight different teams representing ILWU on the beautiful grounds maintained by our members. An awards banquet dinner was held on site at the end of the tournament at around 6:00 p.m.
Local Secretary-Treasurer and Statewide Sports Coordinator
Michael Victorino, Jr. started the banquet off by saying, "These kinds of activities and events are important for the viablility of this organization. We've got to get out there, interact and have fellowship."
He then proceeded to thank Sports Coordinators Oahu Business Agent Paris Fernandez, KK Kamai from Longshore Division, Kauai Business Agent Daniel La'a, Big Island Business Agent Jennifer Yadao, and Maui Business Agent Charles Andrion for their support of the program.
Our 2022 Statewide Sports calendar will conclude with softball in October. Mahalo to everyone who have participated so far, and hope to see you at future events!

1st Place Winning Score: 57.4.Team Unit 4207 Hawai'i Stevedores, lnc.: Ryan Anton, Louie Lee, Jowen Murray,Thomas llae-fimoteo

Kerwin Louis from Unit 1 518 Westin Hapuna Beach Resort and Angelito Bustaman te from Unit 1201 Big lsland Stevedores

2nd Place Score: 57.4. Oahu Business AgentJose Miramontes, ShaneTufele from Unit 4405 Hawaii Logistiu, George Salud from Unit 440s, Leo Manayan from Unit 4404 Pepsi Beverages Company, Jerry Cabauatan from Unit 4404, Corey shippy from Unit 4004

Third PlaEe Score: 58.2.Jerry Sumia (dependent), Kona Bee (dependent), Kalani Cathcart from Unit 4201 McCabe, Hamilton B Renny, Keone Bee from Unit 4201