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Step Four:

Union Election

A secret ballot election is conducted by an agent of the NLRB.

The Union receives a majority of all those who cast votes (50% + 1):

  • There is a seven-day “cooling off” period during which either side may file objections to the election.
  • If no unfair labor practice objections are filed, the election is certified and the ILWU will represent the workers in negotiations.
  • Union membership meetings are held to draft proposals for the first contract.
  • Union negotiating committee members are elected from workers at your company.

The Union fails to receive the majority vote:

  • Workers have no Union and remain “at will” employees.
  • If unfair labor practice objections are filed by the union and the NLRB upholds the objections, a new election may be ordered.
  • If no objections are filed or the NLRB denies objections filed by the union, workers are not allowed to request another union election for a period of one year from the date of the previous election.