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Step One:

ILWU Files Petition

ILWU shows support of a large majority of workers with signed authorization cards. Cards are then forwarded to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) agent. NLRB agents are bound by federal law to confidentiality. Copies of cards or name lists of those who support the Union will not be given to the company.

Signing authorization cards does not mean that you automatically have a union; usually workers must go through an election process. However, if the company agrees to recognize the union through “card check,” workers may be able to become unionized if a majority sign authorization cards. Under a “card check,” the cards are given to a neutral outside party, such as a member of the clergy or a public official. If the neutral party concludes that a majority of workers have signed for the union, the employer recognizes the union and bargaining can begin.

Once the ILWU feels it has a sufficient number of cards signed, a petition is filed with the NLRB.