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R-1 Quality Health Care For All 
The 25th Convention of the ILWU Local 142 strongly supports universal health care and the national health care reform being proposed by Congress and President Obama.

R-2 Salutes Achievements of ILWU Hotel Workers 
ILWU hotel units have organized and involved members following the principles of ILWU democratic, rank and file unionism. By mobilizing members, our hotel units have won good contracts and protected members’ jobs even in times of economic trouble.

The 25th Convention of ILWU Local 142 salutes our hotel members, their units, and unit officers for their tremendous accomplishment in improving the lives of thousands of hotel workers.

R-3 Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the 1949 Longshore Strike 
Over the last 60 years, Hawaii longshore members have carried on this tradition of solidarity and militant unionism. The longshore grouping continues to be a powerful force within Local 142 in upholding the principles of democratic rank and file unionism, involvement in social issues, and political action. Their strong unit structures and regular membership and executive board meetings set an example for other ILWU units to follow.

On this 60th Anniversary of the 1949 longshore strike, the 25th Convention of ILWU Local 142 honors the longshore members for their unity, solidarity, and contribution in making the ILWU a great union.

R-4 Organizing the Unorganized and Mobilizing Our Membership 
ILWU members must be committed to the importance of organizing the unorganized and mobilizing its membership. The strength of the Union depends on it. A strong union will mean that ILWU members will see further gains in wages, benefits and working conditions through collective bargaining and job protections.

The 25th Convention of the ILWU Local 142 urges all members to make organizing, both external and internal, a priority and commits to the principle that “each member is an organizer”; and in particular, ILWU members will aid efforts to organize agricultural workers into Local 142; and the ILWU supports passage of the Employee Free Choice Act, which will level the playing field in organizing and bring the benefits of unionization to more workers in the U.S. and Hawaii.

R-5 Resolution Ah Quon McElrath 
To honor the life of this great woman, contributions may be made to the Hawaii Labor Heritage Council, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and designated for the Ah Quon McElrath Fund for Economic and Social Justice. The Fund will be managed by Ah Quon’s daughter, Gail Long, with assistance from the ILWU and a committee of community leaders.

The ILWU was Ah Quon’s union. Though she may not have been a union member from the ranks, her commitment to social justice, civil rights, and a world at peace embodies the progressive principles for which the ILWU stands.

The 25th Convention of the ILWU Local 142 honors the life of Ah Quon McElrath, labor icon and social advocate; and all ILWU members should embrace the union principles that Ah Quon believed in and promoted throughout her life; and the 25th Convention of the ILWU Local 142 urges members and units to contribute to the Ah Quon McElrath Fund for Economic and Social Justice.

R-6 Retirement of Clayton Dela Cruz 
At the end of 2009, Clayton Dela Cruz will retire as Kauai Division Director after 43 years as a member of the ILWU and 23 years of service as an ILWU leader.

Clayton’s style of work and leadership was never imposing. He was a friend to all and believed in maintaining civility and camaraderie above all. Not one to elevate himself because of his position, Clayton could always be counted on to set up tables, clean up after an event, and cook for union functions.

Clayton’s signature contribution to the ILWU has been the Sports Program that he inherited from Fred Paulino. Clayton’s genial good nature will serve as an example to all that during dark times we often need light moments to see us through. Clayton does not see retirement as an end to his involvement with the ILWU. He plans to join the Kekaha ILWU Pensioner Club and participate with his friends to support ILWU programs.

The 25th Convention of the ILWU Local 142 extends sincere appreciation to Clayton Dela Cruz for his years of service to the ILWU.

R-7 Support Pacific Beach Hotel Workers 
Over 400 workers of the Pacific Beach Hotel in Waikiki have been fighting to unionize into the ILWU for over seven years since January 2002.

This Convention of the ILWU thanks Zenkowan, RENGO, Service Rengo, ITF, Labor Now, the AFLCIO, Canadian unions, TUCP, FFW, AIHRWU, and the many other organizations for their solidarity and support in this struggle for justice at the Pacific Beach Hotel.

R-8 Recognition of Retiring Unit Leaders 
The strength of the ILWU comes from its rank-and-file. Rank-and-file members are the front line of the union movement, policing their contracts, helping fellow workers, and dealing with problems in the workplace everyday.

ILWU unit leaders do all of this on a voluntary basis, receiving no extra pay or perks for their time and efforts. Many do not even receive our thanks. But they continue to serve us, knowing that although they do not receive accolades or material gain, they are protecting their union brothers and sisters, they are doing the work that needs to be done, and they are helping to keep the union strong.

The Twenty-fifth Convention of the ILWU Local 142 extends these retirees good wishes for a long and happy retirement with the sincere hope that their involvement with the ILWU will continue.

R-9 “Aloha” To Closed Units 
The ILWU bids a fond “aloha” to several units whose companies closed down in the past triennium. These units include: 

Del Monte Fresh Produce (Oahu Division - January 2007); Renaissance Wailea Beach Resort (Maui Division - September 2007); Weyerhaeuser Co. (Oahu Division - April 2008); Molokai Properties/ Molokai Ranch (Maui Division - May 2008); Kaluakoi Golf Course (Maui Division - May 2008); Maui Pine Honolua (Maui Division - Mid 2008); Maui Pine Kahului Cannery (Maui Division - October 2008); Hawaii Superferry (Oahu & Maui Division - March 2009); Asset Realty Corporation (Kauai Division - January 2007); Kilauea Agronomics (Kauai Division - December 2006); Hawaii Agricultural Research Center (Oahu/Kauai Divisions - January 2008); Yamada Transfer (Hawaii Division - March 2009)

The 25th Convention of the ILWU Local 142 thanks these members whose companies have closed for their loyalty and commitment to the ILWU and extends to each of them our aloha and the hope that they will join us again as members one day.

Sui Ling Poy, president of the Hawaii Office Workers Union which represents the ILWU’s office workers, was given special permission to address the Convention. She thanked Fred on behalf of the union’s office workers. Fred thanked the Convention and all ILWU members for the honor and privilege of allowing him to serve as Local 142 President. Fred believes union officers should see themselves as servants of the membership.

R-10 Retirement of Fred Galdones 
After two terms as Local President, four terms as Hawaii Division Director, and 44 years as a member of the ILWU, Fred Galdones will be starting a well-deserved retirement in 2010.

From January 1987, Fred began his career as a Full-Time Officer for the ILWU. He served first as a Business Agent in Hawaii Division, then in 1992, was elected Hawaii Division Director, a position he held until 2004 when he was elected Local President.

Fred’s career in the ILWU demonstrates the steady, deliberate nature of a man who has been characterized as the “gentleman” of the ILWU. Fred has always maintained a calm, good-natured presence throughout difficult times.

His two terms as Local President have not been easy, but Fred has led the Union with grace and humility. The recent economic downturn capped a slow decline in membership, which has posed severe challenges to the ILWU’s financial stability. Some will second-guess leadership decisions, but there is no doubt that Fred struggled with every decision and agonized over the effects on members, their families, FTOs, and staff.

The 25th Convention of the ILWU Local 142 extends a sincere “mahalo” to Fred Galdones for his many years of service to the ILWU and wish him a healthy and fulfilling retirement.

R-11 Support Water for Sugar Cane Production 
The 25th Convention of the ILWU Local 142, its delegates and observers, recognizes the significant benefits that HC&S contributes to the people of Maui and the State of Hawaii by providing jobs and green spaces and understands that use of stream water for irrigation is vital to the survival of HC&S. 

Convention delegates and observ

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