Support candidates who support working people in the General Election!
Mail ballots for the General Election will start arriving at houses October 21.
See pages 4-5 for a full list of our General Election candidate endorsements and how to vote on the County Charter amendments.
See pages 4-5 for a full list of our General Election candidate endorsements and how to vote on the County Charter amendments.

Dozens of politicians attended the Labor Unity Picnic on Oahu (see page 8 for more coverage) on September 4, 2022. By attending events like these, they are trying to prove that working families are a priority to them. ILWU Local 142's tents were a very popular stop among many politicians making their rounds this year at the Waikiki Shell. Pictured above is Oahu Di- vision Director Michael Yamaguchi, endorsed candidate for governor Josh Green, Local President Chris West, and endorsed candidate for Honolulu City Council District 4 Tommy Waters.

The next Local 142 Executive Board (LEB) meeting will be at 9:00 a.m. on December 16, 2022 at the Honolulu ILWU Hall at 451 Atkinson Drive. ILWU members are welcome to attend as observers. Lanai's Labor Day Celebration at the Lanai ILWU Hall on September 3, 2022 was also very well-attended by politicians. The Maui County races are competitive, but our endorsed candidates can count on labor's votes because they have proven that they listen to and try to address the needs and concerns of ILWU members. Marino Barsatan Unit Treasurer Unit 2404 Pulama Lanai, Vice Chair Johnny Olbinado, Local Secretary-Treasurer Michael Victorino, Jr., John Pele (endorsed candidate for Molokai seat on Maui County Council), Michael Victorino (endorsed candidate for Maui Mayor), Nohe U'u Hodgins (endorsed candidate for Makawao-Haiku-Paia seat on Maui County Council), Unit Chair Generoso "Jimmy" Fernandez, Riki Hokama (endorsed candidate for Lanai seat on Maui County Council), Local President Christian West, Marlene Baltero Unit 2509 Four Seasons Resort Secretary, Adela Olbinado Unit 2nd Vice Chair at Unit 2509; back row: Business Agent Stephen West.