Tourism caucus attendees filled out a survey which asked six questions about how they thought the workers at their hotels felt about the union and management.
They were asked to rank those feelings on a scale of one to nine. A score of 1 was “Very negative,” 3 was “Negative,” 5 was “Neutral,” 7 was “Positive,” and 9 was “Very Positive.”
The same survey was done at the Tourism Conference held in 2006, which allows us to see how workers’ attitudes and feelings have changed over the last four years.
The results shown here are an average of all the responses, but there was a very definite change in attitudes.
In 2006, feelings towards their hotel brand, top management, and their immediate supervisor was slightly better than neutral at 5.2.
In 2010, feelings towards management went negative in all three categories at 4.5.
bout your hotel brand? In 2006 the number was 5.8. In 2010 the number dropped to 4.9.
How do your members feel about top management? In 2006 the number was negative at 4.7. In 2010 the number dropped to 4.1.
How do your members feel about their immediate supervisor? In 2006, it was slightly above neutral. In 2010 it dropped to 4.5.
Feelings about their hotel brand dropped the most by 15.5 percent. Feelings about top management dropped by 12.8 percent and feelings about their immediate supervisors dropped by 11.8 percent.
There were some hotels in the survey that got very positive scores of 7 and 8, but most hotels got 5 and some got 1 or 2.
Feelings about the union
Overall feelings towards the union were positive and changed only slightly from 2006 to 2010.
How do your members feel about the union? In 2006 it was 6.2 and in 2010 it remained positive at 6.2.
How do your members feel about their union business agent? In 2006 it was more positive than the union at 7.0 and remained unchanged at 7.0 in 2010.
How do your members feel about their unit officers? In 2006 it was positive at 6.7. In 2010 it dropped slightly to 6.5.
Overall the change in feelings towards the union was only a 3 percent difference in one category, which shows the union continues to have strong support.

Hotel members prepare for negotiations—continued from page 4