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Local Secretary-Treasurer Candidate: 

Experience you can count on!
Union Member 40 years
Business Agent 24 years
Sports Coordinator 24 years
General Pension Plan Trustee 9 years
VEBA Trustee 3 years
Local Executive Board 1993-1997
International Executive Board 1994-1997
Local Trustee 1993-1994
Organizing Representative 1993
What I believe in and What I will work for.

The rank and file members should run our Union. This means our elected union leaders should take their direction from the membership and not act like bosses. As your secretary/treasurer I will listen to your concerns, will do my best to represent you and work hard to keep our Union united. We need more democracy in our Union, not less. If you don’t get involved by participating in your Union programs, then you risk the chance to lose labor benefits we all enjoy today.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you, the rank and file, for the support the past 24 years. It has been a great honor to serve you as a Full-Time Officer. Again, I ask for your continued support in this up-coming election. This is your Union- a democratic union. Your voice will be heard only if you vote and get involved!

Local Secretary-Treasurer Candidate: 

I have been serving as your Business Agent since 2008. I humbly request your vote in this upcoming election so I may continue to serve you as your Local Secretary Treasurer.

I have been an ILWU member for over 35 years, I have worked at the Makena Beach Golf Resort & Grand Wailea Resort and Spa, I have served as a Shop-Steward, Unit-Editor, Grievance-Chair, Unit-ViceChair & Chair

I am dedicated to improving the quality of life and working conditions for you and the community.

I have experience in Workman’s Compensation, Grievance-Handling, Organizing New Units and Union spokesman In First Contract Negotiations & Served as Chair of Maui Salary Commission, Maui Economic Opportunity, Chair Head-Start & Program Evaluation Committee & Liquor Commission.

Your values and concerns are very important to me.

As your Local Secretary Treasurer, I have been and I will be part of that leadership, bringing about Change You Want, Being a Voice For Social, Economic and Political Justice for Members, Their Families and the Community.

Together, we can preserve the jobs that we enjoy today and build a better life for tomorrow. 

Please Vote For Union Endorsed Candidates. 

With Upmost Respect, Maraming Salamat, Mahalo Nui Loa For Your Support.



Statewide Industrial Grouping Local Executive Board Candidates, cont.

Pineapple Grouping Candidate: 
 no statement submitted

Tourism Candidate: 
no statement submitted