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LIHUE — Over 100 pensioners and their families gathered at the Kauai Division Hall on September 2, 2017 for their annual Labor Day celebration. The pensioners show us what life is all about: togetherness, connection and engagement. As you get older, you realize what really matters. “No matter what, life goes on,” said Ben Callejo, a former planter and welder at McBryde Sugar Co., in attendance with his wife Juanita and granddaugther Jazmen. Thank you to the Kauai Division for holding this event, especially Division Director Pamela Green and Business Agent Calvin Corpuz and his family.

Juanita and Ben Callejo with their granddaughter Jazmen. “We had nine kids on the plantation. But you have to work to survive. You don’t work, you can’t survive. We understood that well back then...I was a steward and helped the workers from the Philippines understand the way plantation life worked so supervisors wouldn’t get mad with them,” said Ben Callejo.

Former Kauai Division Director Alfred Castillo (R) and friend.

Close friends Maura Sabado (L) and Lourdes Domingo (R).

At left Stanley Dotario assists with the golf game, and to his right is Jesus Guirao, wearing an ILWU shirt. Many of the pensioners were wearing their ILWU shirts with pride. ILWU shirts, hats and pins can be purchased through your ILWU Division Office.

Pensioners try their hand at bean bag toss. Everyone went home a winner with bags of ramen and canned goods. The Kauai pensioner picnic always involves lots of activities with game pensioners playing darts and golf and bingo and more.

“I come to this event every year to support the union. Without the union, I wouldn’t get benefits as a pensioner and the help I needed when I was working.” — Cecilia A. Soriano

Front left Emilia Galicinao, left Arcadia Caberto. Behind is Virgie Abaoag. “I remember that today would be the first day we work in the field. It was always around Labor Day,” reflected Galicinao.