Pictured at left is Local President Chris West and Josh Green at a Green for Governor Rally on Maui on July 28, 2022. On the right is Sylvia Luke holding signs on Atkinson Drive with members from Longshore on June 11, 2022. ILWU Local 142 endorsed both Green and Luke in the Primary Election and both candidates will be moving on to the General Election where they stand a strong chance of winning again.
PRIMARY ELECTION RECAP for ILWU Local 142 - The vast majority of ILWU Local 142's endorsed candidates for the Primary Election on August 13 fared well in their races and are advancing to the General Election on November 8. Of the 107 total candidates we endorsed, 90 are advancing to the general, which is an 85% success rate. This level of success is no accident. As a democratic, member-based union,
the ILWU has always had an extensive grassroots network that can reach our membership. Over the past several months, our PAC team with an especially strong showing from the Longshore industry were out there holding signs, walking door-to-door, making phone calls, and educating our members on the issues. Our PAC efforts were so organized and dedicated that we even had endorsed candidates who were our
very own, like Longshoreman Makai Freitas. Even though Makai will not be advancing to the general election for State House District 8 on the Big Island, we count his race as a success because he represented the ILWU well. Stay tuned to our social media and the next issue of the Voice for the list of endorsed candidates for the General Election. Call your Division if you want to get involved in PAC!
Longshore Pickleball Tournament provides 400 backpacks for students in need

HONOLULU - over 100 members from Young Brothers, Matson, McCabe, Hamilton & Renny, and Hawaii Stevedores Inc. participated in a Longshore Pickleball Tournament on July 31, 2022 at Diamond Head Tennis Courts. This event was held on a weekend, with food and fun for the whole family, but it also raised a serious amount of money. Entry and participation fees went 100% toward filling over 400 backpacks with school supplies such as folder paper, notebooks, watercolors, pencils and markers. Way to go our brothers and sisters in Longshore for making this a win-win for all!