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18,000 members strong —
 Vote and make your voice heard for working families in the community and beyond.

This year, it is more important than ever to make your voice heard by voting for candidates that support working families.

Careful selection process 
The ILWU Local 142 has spent the last few months meeting with and interviewing candidates to ensure they support our members and working people.

If a candidate is endorsed by the ILWU Local 142 you can be assured they support workers’ rights, economic and social justice and will be a strong voice for our members at the legislature, city hall or even the White House.

Union values matter 
We take these endorsements seriously because it is about our members and advancing policies that improve the lives of working families and protecting the hardfought benefits that many of us have achieved throughout the years.

It is important that elected officials are friends of the ILWU Local 142 and labor in general, and your vote can help ensure that.

Ready, set, vote! 
Knowing that, in just a short while, voting will begin again statewide. And, just like the Primary Election, the General Election will be an all-mail election.

Everyone registered to vote will receive a ballot that they can mail back for free or drop off at a ballot deposit box.

If you prefer to vote in-person, voter service centers will be available to allow in-person voting and voter registration.

Voting and having your voice heard is easier than ever and can be done without ever leaving your home.

So please be sure to take a moment and look at our endorsed candidates in this edition of the ‘Voice’ and consider voting for them.

Let’s make a difference together and vote for a better tomorrow.

It starts with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the top of the ballot and some very important state legislative races, mayoral races, and county council races. So please vote – your vote can and will make a difference.



Hawaii for Biden-Harris...

...Democracy matters at the ILWU. Invitations to speak and be interviewed were extended to all of the candidates running for the Democratic nomination leading up to this election year. Many of the most serious contenders 
-- including Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren 
-- came to ILWU Headquarters in San Francisco to meet with elected ILWU leaders to talk about the issues that matter most to working families and union members.

Joe Biden met the ILWU Executive Board in December of last year (pictured above with Local 142 President Donna Domingo) as campaign season was in full swing. His running mate Kamala Harris also came to the ILWU Headquarters earlier in August of 2019.

Four more years of Trump would be disastrous for the environment, working people, and the overall stability of our country. We hope you vote for the Biden-Harris ticket in this election, and other union-endorsed candidates.

see page 2-3 for Local 142’s General Election Endorsements