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This is a reproduction of the Call to the ILWU’s 33rd Convention, to held in Vancouver, B.C. beginning May 15.

The International Convention is the highest decision-making body of the ILWU. Aside from making policy decisions on all matters affecting the ILWU, it has the authority to amend the constitution and receives nominations for Titled Officers and members of the International Executive Board.

In order to send delegates with voice and vote, locals must have their international per capital paid up one month prior to the convention. Local representation is set on the basis of one vote per 100 members— averaged for the calendar year prior to the year in which the convention is held—and one additional vote for each additional 100 paid up members.

Delegates to the convention are elected by the entire local membership. Each delegate must carry a certified credential. Delegate’s wages and expenses are paid by the members of each local.

The Call also requests all locals to send credentials to International headquarters no later than April 15. Resolutions or amendments to the International Constitution which a local wishes to propose should also be received at the International office by April 24.

The Convention will take place at the Vancouver, B.C. Hyatt Regency. ◆