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Each year, the Oahu Division of the ILWU honors some very deserving people in a special program at their February Executive Board Meeting. The Division looks over the work of the union in the previous year and chooses the winners in the following categories — Outstanding Unit, Outstanding Unit Leader, Outstanding Steward, Inspirational Leader, and Outstanding Unit Editor.

Unit of the Year 
Macsteel Service Centers, Honolulu Ford, and Foodland were named as the outstanding units of the year. Oahu Division Director Dave Mori explained that three awards were given based on the size of the unit—less than 50 members, from 50-100, and larger than 100. The units were chosen because of major accomplishments in negotiations and participation in local programs.

(Right) Business Agent Mike Yamaguchi with 2005 Unit Leader of the Year Kenneth Ige, Unit 4412 - Servco Pacific, Inc. Chairperson. (Below) Members step up to receive awards on behalf of their outstanding units. (R-l) Howard Nishmoto for Unit 4411 -Honolulu Ford; Ursula Tangaro, Annie Dickinson, Susan Lake, Mary Ann Abregano, Ruby Shimabukuro and Dillon Hullinger for Unit 4405 - Foodland Super Market, Ltd.; and Elesio Tamayo for Unit 4404 - Macsteel Service Centers USA. Abregano and Shimabukuro were also recognized as as Best Unit Editors for Oahu Division and Hullinger was named honorable mention Unit Leader of the Year.

Business agent Larry Ruiz explained the Macsteel story. There are 16 people in the unit. They rejected management’s “final” offer in contract negotiation. They continued bargaining with management and six months later got a much better settlement. Dave Mori added that a strong strike vote convinced management the members were serious. Unit secretary-treasurer Elesio Tamayo accepted the award on behalf of the unit.

Honolulu Ford relocated to a brand new showroom and shop in Kalihi after 40+ years at their Ala Moana location. The company Michael added. Kenneth credits his success to other. “I had very good teachers. They taught me the history of this union and the importance of being active,” Kenneth said. An honorable mention went to Dillon Hullinger, the chair of the Oahu Foodland unit. This was only his second time in negotiations and the first time he chaired a statewide negotiating committee. “Dillon did a good job chairing the committee,” Karl explained , “he rose to the challenge, kept his cool, and kept the committee focused.” tried to use the move to impose a number of changes in the technician’s jobs and work rules. Business agent Michael Yamaguchi described how the unit kept the members together and forced management to negotiate with the union over any changes. Unit treasurer Howard Nishimoto accepted the award for the unit.

Foodland is a large company with stores on every island, including 16 stores on Oahu. There were 12 members on the union’s statewide negotiating committee. They started with 135 proposals and would meet with Foodland management for one week at a time each month. Business agent Karl Lindo explained that the committee had to deal with a lot of different issues and lots of strong opinions. It took 10 months, but the union got a good settlement. Unit chair Dillion Hullinger accepted the award and thanked Local Vice President Donna Domingo who served as the union’s negotiator and Karl Lindo.

Unit Leader of the Year 
Kenneth Ige, the chair of the Servco Unit, was named the outstanding unit leader of 2005. “Kenneth is at every union function—sports, political action, and community service. He not only participates in these activities, but he’s running the show,” said Michael Yamaguchi. “Servco has eight locations on Oahu, but when there is a problem at any location, Ige is on top of it,”

Michael added. Kenneth credits his success to other. “I had very good teachers. They taught me the history of this union and the importance of being active,” Kenneth said.

An honorable mention went to Dillon Hullinger, the chair of the Oahu Foodland unit. This was only his second time in negotiations and the first time he chaired a statewide negotiating committee. “Dillon did a good job chairing the committee,” Karl explained , “he rose to the challenge, kept his cool, and kept the committee focused.”


“Thank you for your outstanding leadership and service to the members of this union.” Saying thanks for a job well done is the purpose of Oahu Division’s annual recognition awards program which was held on Feb. 24, 2006, at the ILWU Hall on Atkinson Drve in Honolulu.

Outstanding Steward 
Lance Kamada from the Honolulu Advertiser was named the Outstanding Steward of 2005. Lance is also the Oahu Division political action committee chair. Lance works the 2 am shift and will often meet with management over grievances from 9 am until 3 pm. There are a lot of hard core managers and the Advertiser can be a difficult company to deal with, added business agent Michael Yamaguchi.

Barret Hayashi from Love’s Bakery received an honorable mention for his work as a union steward. “This guy argues and fights for this members,” said business agent Shane Ambrose. “I just became a shop steward,” said Barret, “and I’m learning a lot.”

Inspirational Leaders 
The Most Inspirational Leader award was given to Michelle Molina from National Car. “She sets the example,” Shane Ambrose said. “She’s the glue that holds the members together. She’s not afraid to speak honestly for an issue.”

Longshore pensioner George Dantsuka was honored as the Most Inspirational retiree. Business agent Larry Ruiz explained how George is a leader for the pensioners and how he comes in early and helps set up the monthly bingo games for the retirees.” George had a few words of advice for the younger members—“take care of your health and always hold the members’ safety first when you’re on the job.”

Business Agent Shane Ambrose with honorable mention Outstanding Steward Barrett Hayashi from Unit 4402 - Daiichiya Love’s Bakery and Outstanding Steward of the Year honoree Lance Kamada from Unit 4406 - The Honolulu Advertiser.


Business Agent and Oahu pensioner program coordinator Larry Ruiz with George Dantsuka, Most Inspirational retiree. Not pictured: Michelle Molina from Unit 4427 - National Car, Oahu’s Most Inspirational Leader of 2005.

Outstanding Editor 
Ruby Shimabukuro and Mary Abregano from Foodland and Gordon Young from the Honolulu Advertiser were name the Outstanding Editors for Oahu Division. Ruby and Mary have been editors for a long time. “It can becomes a chore,” Ruby admitted, “but Eadie Omonaka (who helps run the union’s bulletin program) keeps us energized and thinking of new ideas.” 

Local Secretary-Treasurer Guy Fujimura wrapped up the evening’s program by thanking the winners, “rank and file leadership is what makes us strong and keeps us going.” Guy talked about some of the challenges the union faces with the shutdown of Del Monte, the closure of the Kapalua Bay Hotel on Maui, and the loss at the Naniloa Hotel when a new owner hired only 18 of the 110 ILWU workers.

“We can get government to help these members and pass more laws that will protect working people, but to do this we need members to vote and support the union’s political action program,” Guy stressed. He thanked Dave Mori and the Oahu Division for taking on a much greater burden during election years. “Oahu has 80% of the candidates running for political office but only 25% of the ILWU membership,” Guy said, “This means the union is depending on you to do the walking and talking to elect the best candidates for working people.” ◆

Gordon Young received the Oahu Divsion Unit Editor honorable mention award.