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Richard Baker Jr.
Division Director

As the Hawaii Division Director for the past three years, I have tried to lead the Hawaii Division Team to achieve its goals in the areas of organizing, mobilizing, negotiations of good and fair contracts, and building of our unit leadership.

When I look back to the days I spent as a worker in sugar at the Hilo Coast Processing Company (H.C.P.C.), as a unit leader, as a business agent and, most recently, as your Hawaii Division Director, I realize that we must not lose focus of the reason we became officers— to serve our members. We need to be strong as union leaders, set new goals and priorities, lead our rank-and-file, and protect the rights that our fathers struggled so hard to achieve. We must continue the struggle to make gains for our families and maintain the rights and benefits we now enjoy.

The Hawaii Division team is here for you—just call us—WE WILL BE THERE! “An Injury to One Is an Injury to All.”


Isaac Fiesta Jr.
Business Agent

In addition to being a business agent I am presently the Hawaii Division Organizing coordinator, so I feel I have the great responsibility of strengthening the ILWU by building our union membership on the Big Island.

Hawaii Division has had successes in organizing, and I want to continue and build on those wins over the next three years. But my goal is not just to bring new members to the ILWU—we need to negotiate strong contracts for those new members.

I also want to maintain the standards in our current contracts, which protect the rights and benefits of all our current members.

We need to remember that the work of the union does not just benefit ILWU members and their families, but raises the standard of living for our whole community.


Greg Gauthier
Business Agent

I intend to focus my energies towards the goal of attaining some sort of affordable medical coverage for all retiring ILWU members. I believe our members are very intelligent and they know that there is a good chance that they may have to continue working well into their golden years in an effort to afford this very basic need.

Our members should be able to spend their retirement with their families, assisting their community and churches, not working for medical care! I want to work with our Hawaii Division leadership to assess the potential costs of a retiree medical plan and produce realistic strategies on how to bring a plan to our membership for ratification.

The Hawaii Division team is committed to innovation and we will stop at nothing when it comes to improving the quality of life for our members. May God bless you with love and justice!


Elmer Gorospe
Business Agent

I would like take this Opportunity to say “Thank you” to all of the members of the Hawaii Division for their support.

As our Union faces many challenges, I am committed to serve the rank and file to the best of my ability, to assist all members and to continue to protect workers rights.

Over the next three years, some of my goals will be to work hand-in-hand with rank-and-file members at each of the units I serve; mentor upcoming leaders; and make sure the terms of our contracts are upheld.

I have always believed in the critical importance of political action. Grassroots organizing for politics is one of the greatest weapons unions have to improve our chance of getting a fair shake in Congress and at the State Legislature. I hope to be able to recruit more active members into our political action program, because our numbers are our strength.


Wallace A. Ishibashi Jr.
Business Agent

I will continue to pledge my friendship and knowledge to help you in any way possible.

During this term in office we will be faced with some major negotiations, together we will settle for the best package possible. Providing more training opportunities for unit members.

Interested to learn and provide additional training for our senior Unit officers to better represent their members are some of our goals.

“United Together” we can make a huge difference as the driving force of Hawaii Division and Local 142. Get involved, be proactive, your participation determines our success. 

Imua Hawaii Division.


George A. Martin
Business Agent

Aloha! After doing a stint in the Navy, I first became a union member while working at Yamada & Sons, Inc. in 1981; when the Company started laying off workers a year later, I was fortunate to become employed at another ILWU house—Hamakua Sugar Company.

When the sugar industry plummeted and Hamakua Sugar Company closed, I applied for and got hire to work once again at Yamada & Sons, Inc.

I was recently elected to serve as Business Agent at Hawaii Division. I would like to send my heartfelt ‘MAHALO!’ to all those who supported me and the team with their votes during this time…MY FIRST TERM IN OFFICE! My 20+ years as a union member has helped prepare me for just about anything!!!

My goal—(which will take time but is achievable)—is to help teach as many of our Brothers and Sisters what it means to be a part of the most democratic, most liberal, and most militant labor organization there is and that they should be proud to be an I.L.W.U. member!


Corinna Salmo
Business Agent

I would like to accomplish a sense of understanding and involvement within our membership, especially within my assigned units. I would like them to know and understand what the IL WU is about and what it stands for. To inform the members that they are not alone; that they are a vital part of a labor union organization that believes and fights for equality and justice in the workplace; that we are here to serve them, to make better and to improve the lives of the workers and their families. I hope to motivate our members to generate a desire to get involved and make a positive difference in their units.


Division Clerk
Hilo Office (Harry Kamoku Hall)


Sui Sin Coloma
Senior Clerk
Waimea Office