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William Kennison
Division Director

I would like to continue the work of negotiating the type of Collective Bargaining Agreements that our members deserve. I would like to see that our members wages and benefits reflect their needs in our fast growing economy.

We need to push harder to get the Health & Welfare programs that we now have in the tourism industry into our other industries to combat the rising cost of medical premiums.

We will continue our fight for affordable housing, which along with wages and benefits, are the main issues for our members—and will be working closely with our Maui County elected officials to implement the affordable housing program. The only way we will make housing truly affordable is through political action.


Need to contact Maui Division? Call 808-244-9191


Roberto Andrion
Business Agent

Throughout history the ILWU was always in the forefront fighting to improve working conditions, wages, and benefits by organizing the unorganized workers—thus setting a higher standard of living for other industries to follow.

I chose to run for office because I strongly believe that the ILWU provides us with the ability to preserve and constantly improve those benefits we enjoy today. It is my goal to continue expanding the membership through organizing, maintain the benefits that we have, and improve those benefits for a brighter & better tomorrow.

For any one goal to be accomplished it needs the support of many wonderful and caring ILWU members. One person cannot do it alone; however, as a group we can make a major difference in the years to come. I ask everyone to actively volunteer and support our Union activities and Political Action program so that we can build on what our forefathers started.

LET’S WORK TOGETHER, our future and childrens’ future is in our hands.


Stephen Castro
Business Agent

Aloha, my name is Stephen (Steve) Castro Sr. and I’d like to thank you for allowing me to serve you as your Business Agent. It has certainly been a challenging and rewarding experience for me these last few years.

My goal for this term will be to get our members more involved by taking active part in their units. This is not about one person, it’s about all of us— and working together, all things are possible.

I will continue to do my best to serve and represent you to the best of my ability.

ILWU Maui Division Wailuku Union Hall 896 Lower Main St. Wailuku, HI 96893


Jerrybeth DeMello
Business Agent

For the next three years I foresee a monumental growth in our units and have concerns about members who may come from other ethnic groups trying to adjust as union members. One major advancement in my units which I am proud of is our “New Hire Orientation” held on company time, as negotiated in the Union Contracts. This orientation gives members an idea of “Who is the UNION (the ILWU).”

Since 1992 to present as your Maui Division Business Agent, my goal has been to educate, organize—and most importantly—mobilize members to be active in their units and stand up and be counted as a proud ILWU member.

I look forward to continue the effort to develope a strong unit leadership and steward base, while reaching out with unit bulletins to keep our members informed about what is happening in the unit as well as at the island, state, and international level. All units should have Unit bulletins to publicize union events, and report union news. As the Division coordinator for the ILWU’s education program, I feel very strongly about this.

Let’s all move forward in maintaining what we have gained through our union contracts and not take our rights and benefits for granted. Wages, Benefits, and a Medical Plan are not given to you by the company on a silver platter, but worked hard for through negotiations by ILWU Local 142. Again, as I stated . . . “Stand Up and be Counted as a Proud ILWU Member.” Let’s help each other to move in the right direction. Mahalo!


Delbert DeRego
Business Agent

Formerly worked for Wailuku Agribusiness, where he was the Unit Chairman and a rank and file truck driver and harvester operator. Presently attached to Unit 2306-Maui Pineapple Company Kahului Factory.

During this term, I will strive to promote active participation, education, leadership development and solidarity of unit members.

I am committed and a firm believer that these actions improve the lives of our membership, better our work places and benefit the communities in which we live.

I am proud to be an ILWU member and am committed to continue to serve the membership to the best of my ability.


Joycelyn Victorino
Division Clerk


Joyce Naruse
Senior Clerk


Abel Kahoohanohano
Business Agent

My goal as a business agent is to build my Unit’s leadership structure by sending the stewards and officers to more training classes. A Unit is not operating properly if it is not built from the ground up.

The members of this Union have every right to have their voices heard, and the way to do it is provide good education and leadership so we may achieve maximum success.

My job as a business agent is to advise these Unit leaders and support the members by making sure their concerns with the Company are addressed in a timely manner.

I have been a ILWU member for 30 years, a steward for 24 and Unit officer for 6. I have always fought for the rights of our members—and with your support, will continue to do it for many more years to come.


Teddy Espeleta
Business Agent

My name is Teddy B. Espeleta. I am serving my second term as Maui Division Business Agent. In my second term, I hope to continue to educate our members about the importance of being part of the ILWU, and to continue to fight for the rights of our ILWU members.