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Larry Ruiz 
Business Agent

I have three basic goals for this term: to strengthen the union by getting more members to be active participants in union programs, to strenghten our contracts through negotiations and a strong steward system, and to strengthen labor ’s position in politics through our Political Action Program.

The first is important because the ILWU is a highly democratic union, and democracy does not work without participation. If more members play an active role in the union—even a small one—the overall function of the union will improve.

The second goal is based on the fact that our union contracts are a huge factor in the quality of life of our families. We need to fight for the improvements we need and fight against takeaways.

Finally, even with a strong contract, we would be lost without laws that protect the rights of working people. Even the right to belong to a union is determined by law. If we do not elect lawmakers who understand and support working families, our whole community will suffer.


Tyrone Tahara 
Business Agent

Thanks to all the Pensioners for the silver spoon which we use today to feed our families. Thanks for making the waterfront industry prosperous so we, the next generation, are given the opportunity to labor. Thanks for taking the hits on the picketlines for six months so the next generation doesn’t have to, yet. Thanks for bending your backs, dirtying your hands, and planting the seed which bears the fruit we eat today. As for today’s generation of workers, the writing is on the wall: “Advanced Technology, Jurisdiction, Industry Changes.”

Save Your Money” 
8-1/2 months left 1 yr. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 6 yrs. P.S. We are accepting negotiations proposals starting in October. The deadline is late January. Stay hungry..


Brian Tanaka 
Business Agent

We must follow the union program, which includes strengthening existing units, training and bringing along new leadership, organizing new members, and keeping our union and collective bargaining agreements strong.

We have already begun work to increase our members in the growing health care industry. We are accreting members where we can, and also negotiating the best possible contracts for all ILWU healthcare workers.

I am also encouraging rank-and-file participation in the education programs of the union, including getting leadership and steward training. Part of our education program includes the production of a Business Agent report that can be shared by all units that do not have their own news bulletins.

There is a place for every member in the ILWU—working side by side to make our jobs and lives better.


Michael Yamaguchi 
Business Agent

I am thankful that the Division has confidence in me, and I will do my best to fulfill this appointment.

Organizing new members needs to be a priority for the union. We have lost several hundred members recently in the pineapple industry, with the closure of Del Monte and the lay off of Maui Pine Cannery workers. Some of our neighbor island hotels have also shut down for renovations. We need new members to build union density, so that we can negotiate from a position of strength and continue to have the political clout for which the ILWU is well known.

I also want to organize existing units, motivating members and building a strong unit architecture of leaders, secondary leaders and engaged rank-and-file. We will team up to enforce our contracts, and unit members will learn to stand up for themselves.

The full-time officers—like your Business Agents—are not the union. We are all the union. Without the efforts of everyone, the union cannot succeed. However, with an active and involved membership, there is nothing the ILWU can’t do.


Lisa Maehara 
Division Clerk

ILWU Oahu Division
Honolulu Office
451 Atkinson Drive
Honolulu, HI 96814
Need to contact
Oahu Division?
Call 808-949-4161