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Dave Mori 
Division Director

My first term as your new Division Director was a learning experience for me. What I discovered is our Union is in dire need of new and qualified leaders who will be committed to serving our members. Complacency has created a vacuum in our Union’s leadership as many elected positions go unchallenged.

Workers now face a new challenge; the challenge to fight to keep what the Union has gained for them. My focus in the next three years will be to continue to mentor the present Business Agents to better their skills, and to seek new leadership from our ranks.


Shane Ambrose 
Business Agent


As a Business Agent my most important goal over this term is to inspire members to build solidarity and participation in their workplace. Building awareness of their rights and obligations as members in this organization is what will help build a strong foundation for generations to come.

One of my goals is to revitalize the Oahu Division bulletin program with the help of all the Business Agents, Staff, and the dedicated members who are involved so that we all can share in the learning and educating process together. I also hope to make Community Service an important part of our Division placing a positive light on our contributions to the community.


Brandon Bajo-Daniel 
Business Agent

I have two main goals for this triennium. The first is to make sure that all members have representation on the job, and that they are also empowered to represent themselves. This means providing training where neccessary, in the form of steward and other classes, and having active leaders participate fully in the grievance process, negotiations, and other dealings with management.

My second goal is to encourage all rank-and-file members to do at least one union activity. It can be signing up to be an “eyes and ears” steward, volunteering for a day of political action, participating in the sports program, or even just coming to our Oahu Family Day this October, or our Labor Day Celebration next year. Each step toward more activism will build a stronger ILWU.


Karl Lindo 
Business Agent

During this term in office my goal is to continue representing the members and protecting their rights on the job. I also want to negotiate improvements to wages and benefits in our ILWU contracts.

I believe in educating the rank-andfile leadership and members on the importance of being involved in the union. This means exercising their rights as union members, policing the contract, and participating in union programs. With member participation and involvement, we can make a difference together: providing workers with good wages, protecting important benefits, and getting respect on the job.

Business Agents face many challenges on a daily basis, but having the support of unit leadership and members is what enables us to do our job more effectively—your support shows that the union is strong.


Clayton Dela Cruz 
Division Director

As Division Director my goals are to work productively with the International, the Local, Division fulltime officers, and units to provide the best possible representation for Kauai members.

The ILWU has been serving the workers of Kauai for 70 years. The union has a long history of fighting for working families, helping the community, and going above and beyond representation “on the job.”

I want to continue to build the union on Kauai, while keeping the feeling that we are all family. My goal is for every member to know and understand and believe the ILWU motto “An Injury to One is an Injury to All,”—and to act accordingly every day.


Pamela Green 
Business Agent

Wow! Three years have come and gone! I have to admit that it is a challenge to keep up with the work load. Sometimes the “Quieter Units” have been unintentionally pushed to the side and I apologize. I will try harder to get out to visit those units.

I was asked by the Local “What do you want to accomplish in your term of office?” I feel the question should be “What do ‘My Units’ want me, as their Business Agent, to accomplish in this term?” In order to know the direction in which my units would like to go, I urge all members to get involved with their Units, voice your concerns, your goal and your complaints. Remember, your Business Agents are here to serve you, the members. Thank you for the opportunity to continue to serve as your Business Agent.


Michael Machado 
Business Agent

Michael Machado is on leave from Unit 3504 - Princeville Corp.

The most important part of being a union member is being actively involved in your union. It’s your union, and the ILWU is a highly democratic organization—so you have a say in what the union does.

Speak up on contract proposals. Come to union meetings. Support your negotiating committee during contract talks. Police your contract —watch out for management violations.

Don’t be afraid to talk with your unit officers if you see a problem, or to call me anytime. I will always be there for you as your Business Agent—and I need you to get involved, too. Together, we can do better.


MelissaLynn Ragasa 
Division Clerk


ILWU Kauai Division
Lihue Union Hall
4154 Hardy Street
Lihue, HI 96766

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Kauai Division?
Call 808-245-3374