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Kauai Division Director

Candidate for Division Director
Clayton W. Dela Cruz

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Kauai Division of the ILWU Local 142 for your past support of me, as your Division Director, and humbly ask for your continued support in the up-coming Election. 

I promise to do my best in serving you as your Division Director for the coming years.

Mahalo & Aloha, Clayton W. Dela Cruz


Candidate for Business Agent
Pamela Green

It has been a few months since the Local 23rd Convention and for about 400 of us we have returned home to our units and jobs.

Many experienced hurt feelings and disappointment for Kauai, with the loss of one business agent position. In my opinion the Kauai delegation fought with proud hearts for they’re believe.

Kauai Members, You are now faced with an election of great importance. The President and Vice President seats need to be
filled in addition to our local race of two business agents.

Choose wisely the people you entrust with making beneficial decisions in your behalf. Insist they have the ability and integrity
to withstand the injustices they must fight against.

All candidates are Union Brothers and Sisters. We should not be on opposite teams trying to destroy one another; there should be no vanity in this election just a drive that is all embracing, To unite us as one Union with the principle “An Injury to One Is an Injury to All”. This is what the members need!

I ask for one of your two votes for Kauai Business Agent.
Mahalo, Pamela Green
Kauai Division Trustee
International Executive Board
Unit Chairperson

Kauai Local Executive Board

Candidate for Division Trustee
Doreen Kua
No photo or statement submitted

Candidate for Local Executive Board
Jon Garcia
No photo or statement submitted



Candidate for Business Agent
Michael Machado

As a rank and file member for over 27 years and full time Business Agent for 14 I have seen this great Union go through many changes. Even today in these times our Union is going through many changes. Change is inevitable and needed, and with your help we can make these changes a positive move towards our future.

Your support in the past has always been appreciated and I ask for your continued support in the up-coming election.

Kauai 2006 International Convention Delegates

Candidate for Longshore
Nelson Rita
No photo or statement submitted

Candidate for General Trades
Jon Garcia
No photo or statement submitted

Candidate for Tourism
Robert Costa
No photo or statement submitted


Candidate for Business Agent
Steven B. Weinstein

My name is Steven Weinstein. I am a candidate for the ILWU Business Agent on Kauai. 

I have been an ILWU member for 24 years. I have been the Unit Chairman at Gay & Robinson /Olokele Sugar, and an active member of the Kauai Division Executive Board since 1992. I was elected and served on the Local Executive Board from 1997-2000 and was also appointed this year by Mayor Baptiste to the Kauai Planning Commision.

I have always worked hard as the Chairman and supported my members. I have learned a lot in my years of service as a union
leader, which will help me, to serve you.

My goal as a Business Agent will be to help all members on Kauai with whatever problems, concerns or just questions that you may have. I will also help you to build up your Union at your workplace to give you the support and knowledge you need to make management respect you and treat you fairly.

ILWU elections will be held during the week of November 15-21 at your workplace. The dates, times and locations will be posted. Please remember to vote and I am asking for your support.
Thank you.